I hear feet padding against the floor. “Yes, Mommy?”

“Your dad,” she says, shoving the phone to her.

“Daddy!” A big smile fills her face, but she looks tired. “You called!”

“Hi, baby. Just wanted to see how you’re doing.”

Olivia walks to the living room and plops on the couch. “I’m good. I’ve been cleaning my room because Mommy said it was gross. I don’t wanna be gross.”

“You’re not, sweetheart. Not at all.”

Her bottom lip quivers. I try to keep smiling for her sake, but seeing her like this is killing me inside. “Okay.”

“You don’t believe me?”

She shrugs.

“You know I’d never lie to you. Are you excited about school tomorrow?”

She nods. “Yeah, I miss my Mrs. Shelby. She’s so nice, and she wears funny clothes. But I can’t wait to see you again, Daddy.”

“Just think, you’ll be back with me in only a few weeks.”

“Olivia!” Vivian shouts, and I can see fear wash over my baby’s face. Seconds later, I see a paper plate being handed to her on the couch. “Eat your food, then it’s bedtime.”

“Thank you, Mommy,” Olivia says but gets zero response from her mother.

“What are you eating?” I ask.

“Macaroni ’n’ cheese,” Olivia tells me, setting the phone against something so she can still see me. I watch her struggle with the plate in her lap as she takes a bite. Watching her eat alone and looking so sad is breaking my heart.

“Well, I’m gonna let you finish eating, okay? If you get bored, call me. I’m always here for you, sweetie.”

“Okay, Daddy. Love you!”

“Love you too!” I tell her, wishing I could squeeze her tight, then end the call.

My daughter shouldn’t be in that kind of environment with a careless parent, and it makes me feel helpless as fuck I can’t immediately do anything about it. The only thing that calms me down is knowing Jacob and I are starting the process to take Vivian back to court.

Sucking in a deep breath and needing to clear my mind, I decide to clean up the mess in the kitchen after cooking last night and this morning.

I think about Elle’s lips on mine, and the stress eases slightly. This weekend with her still feels unreal, and amidst my anxiety with everything else, I’m still riding high from having Elle in my bed.

Once I’m finished picking up the house, I get lost in a documentary while looking over some files.

Realizing it’s close to eight, I decide to text Elle. I’ve had the urge to talk to her all day but knew she was busy with her family and doing laundry. Though I don’t want to seem needy, I can’t end the day without telling her what’s going on because it’s obvious how much she already cares about Olivia.

I read our last text convo before sending her another. Once I fill her in on the details of my call with Olivia and what Jacob said, I change the subject to the only thing that’s on my mind.

Connor: Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

Elizabeth: Same! Though I’m not used to getting such lengthy texts from you. Starting to feel a little smothered.

Connor: You’re a comedian.

Elizabeth: I have many talents ;)

Connor: You’ll pay for it later.

Elizabeth: Ha! Can’t wait.

I’m smiling like an idiot as my mood immediately improves. I can’t believe this is really happening between us. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted, and last night was unbelievable. I’ve never been with a woman like Elle. We tell each other good night, and I go to bed thinking about the woman who’s stolen my heart, only now she knows it.

Two weeks have passed since Elle and I have decided to give us a chance. I feel like a teenager again as we sneak around and enjoy each other’s company. While the sex is incredible, there’s more to being with her than that. I’ve opened up a lot, which has allowed us to connect on a deeper level. I’m so glad we’re finally at this place, but damn, I wish I would’ve gotten over my own bullshit sooner.

I wake up on Monday and am actually excited to go to work because I’ll get to see Elle.

For the first couple of hours, appointments keep me busy while Elle and I work side by side. Jacob confirmed Vivian received the papers, and I know it’s only a matter of time until she has a complete meltdown. All morning, I’ve wondered how she will try to sabotage me getting Olivia for Christmas since I’m supposed to pick her up in a few weeks. I’m just hoping she doesn’t take it out on Olivia. Once things slow down, Elle comes into my office and meets my eyes with a kind smile.

“You doin’ okay?” she asks, leaning against the doorway.

I nod when I see her. “I am now.”

Her voice falls to a whisper. “Good.”