“Hey. These are my parents.”

“It’s great to meet y’all. Welcome to the B&B.” I shake their hands.

“It’s lovely to finally meet you, Elizabeth,” his mother says, pulling me into a hug.

“Oh please, call me Elle. Only my grandma and Connor, apparently”—I stifle a laugh—“call me that.”

Connor’s gaze pins me in place, and I’m curious what he’s thinking.

“Got yourself a full house here,” his dad says.

“Yes, sir. We just keep growin’ too.”

“Mrs. Wallen!” Kenzie comes out of nowhere and greets them. “Been a while since I’ve seen you. How are you?”

I narrow my eyes, noticing how friendly they’re being.

“Hello, dear. How lovely to see you again.” She gives Kenzie a hug, and it’s obvious I’ve missed something.

“Elle, can we eat some pie now?” Olivia yanks on my hand, and I grin at her.

“Of course. I was just about to grab a plate too. Let’s go.” I guide her forward, then look back at Connor. “Coming?”

The three of us go down the line, grabbing a variety of treats.

“Okay, I think you have enough,” Connor says, eyeing Olivia’s overflowing plate.

“But I don’t have any of that one,” she whines, pointing at a brownie bar.

“If you have room for seconds, then you can get one,” Connor counters, but we both know she won’t be able to finish what she already has.

“You’re going to have quite the sugar high,” I tease as we find a table. His parents sit with us after they’ve grabbed a little of everything too. “And a sugar crash,” Connor adds.

“Grammy! Look what I got,” Olivia holds up her plate, nearly spilling everything. Connor grabs it and puts it down in front of her.

“Looks like you’re sleeping over at their house tonight,” Connor teases. He’s definitely different around Olivia. Much lighter and easygoing. I like this side of him.

As we eat, his parents ask me questions—how I like working at the clinic and mostly job-related stuff, but then his mother asks if I’m seeing anyone. The air grows tense although it shouldn’t.

“She has a boyfriend named Stephen,” Olivia offers before I can answer.

Connor stiffens, and I notice how his breathing changes. He’s already made it more than obvious how he feels about Stephen.

“Uh, no,” I quickly interject. “He’s not my boyfriend.”

“But he sent you flowers,” Olivia states.

“Right, he did. But then I told him I could only be his friend,” I explain, knowing Connor’s listening.

“Why? You don’t want a boyfriend?” Olivia asks.

Damn, she’s a curious little thing.

“It’s not that. He just wasn’t what I was looking for, and until I find the right person, I’ll just stay single,” I say matter-of-factly.

“My daddy’s single!” she blurts out, and Connor immediately chokes on his milk.

“Olivia.” Connor finally clears his throat. Our eyes meet for a moment before he continues. “Eat your desserts, baby.”

I suck in my lips to keep from laughing. She’s so innocent and cute but knows exactly what to say to rile up Connor.

After a while, his parents are pulled away by my grandma. I can tell Olivia’s growing antsy and is bored now that she’s stuffed with sugar.

“Do you wanna go on a little tour of the ranch? Maybe see the horses?” I ask.

“Yes, yes, yes!” she squeals, jumping in her chair. “Can we, Daddy? Please?”

I almost feel bad for putting him on the spot, but she needs to burn off all her energy anyway.

“Sure. Let me tell my parents so they don’t worry.”

As Connor stands, Olivia's eyes glue to me. “I asked my daddy for a pony, and he said he’d think about it.”

“Oh yeah? What would you name your pony?”

She puts a finger to her lips and hums. “Hmm…Rainbow Skittles!”

I smile wide. “That’s an awesome name.”

Once Connor returns, I escort them out the back door and toward the barn. “They keep the horses close for the guests who want to ride on the trails or take a lesson,” I explain.

We enter, and I lead Olivia to the first stall. “This is Spirit. Don’t tell the others but...” I lean down and whisper, “She’s my favorite.”

“She’s pretty.” Olivia’s mesmerized as she walks from stall to stall, trying to pet each of the horses. “They’re so soft.”

“They’re really gentle too.” They neigh and stomp their hooves, begging for treats and attention.

“I think Spirit’s my favorite too.” My heart melts at how sweet she is.

“You ride a lot?” Connor asks me.

“Not as much as I used to, but I’m trying to find more time. It’s a nice way to clear my head, plus Spirit reminded me how much I needed the escape.” I meet his eyes, and his features soften.

“Can I ride one?” Olivia asks excitedly.

“No,” Connor immediately says. “We’re just visitin’.”

“But Elle said they give lessons,” she reminds him.

“For the guests,” Connor counters.

“I’m a guest.” She gives him puppy dog eyes and frowns, which is actually adorable. “Please, Daddy?”

I can tell he wants to argue, but it’s obvious he’s wrapped around her tiny finger, as most fathers are with their little girls.