“Same, but you know how judgy Grandma gets when booze is involved,” Kenzie says with a laugh.

“I am thirsty, though.” I glance over at the punch table and see Connor chatting with Riley. Instead of avoiding him for the rest of the day, I make my way over there.

“Elle, is that you? I don’t recognize you without that stick in your ass,” Riley taunts, and I glare at him.

“Don’t start with me,” I tell him, filling a cup with strawberry punch.

Before Riley can continue, Zoey thankfully pulls him away. Connor awkwardly stands next to me as I sip my drink.

“Thanks for telling me,” I mutter.

Conner crosses his arms as he watches Olivia play with Zach.

“You wanted me to tell you about the terrible relationship I have with my ex-wife and how I have to fight to see my daughter?”

His response catches me off guard, something that’s happened a few times today. “No. The fact that no one knew you had a daughter who you seem to care about very much is worrisome. What’s the big secret?” I ask.

He sarcastically laughs. “There’s no secret. Plenty of people here knew. I have nothing to hide, Elizabeth, but I’m not gonna air my business for the entire town to know.”

I glare at him. “I would never tell anyone about your life, Dr. Wallen. I know how private you are, and I respect that.”

His face softens, and he swallows hard. Stephen steps back inside, and Connor tenses.

“He doesn’t seem like your type,” Connor says as Stephen makes his way across the room toward us.

“Really? What’s my type?” I ask, but of course he doesn’t answer.

Stephen comes over and snags a mini sausage from the table. “Sorry about that, work stuff.”

“I understand and can relate,” I admit, aware of how close Connor’s standing.

Olivia runs over and pulls him away. Moments later, Rowan walks over with Diesel trailing behind her. She grabs a plate and stacks it full of sugary treats.

“The baby loves sweets. I can’t help myself,” she says around a mouthful.

“And you never get between your baby mama and her food.” Diesel chuckles, then introduces himself to Stephen.

“Are you two datin’?” Diesel asks. Rowan elbows him.

Stephen laughs. “We’re on a date, yes. But nothing official. Not yet, at least,” he says, giving me a wink.

I smile, though I’m already considering friend-zoning him. Maize’s in such big trouble, she has no idea. After Diesel has talked our heads off about deer blinds and hunting season, I pull Stephen away, and we go into the living room where Grandma Bishop bombards us.

“Hello,” she says, holding out her hand. “And you are?”

“I’m Stephen Burk. I work at the hospital with Emily and Evan,” he explains.

Grandma Bishop gives me an approving head nod. “Don’t be a stranger, now, ya hear?”

Stephen’s a good sport and takes it like a champ even though I feel like I’m internally combusting from embarrassment. For the next hour, we make our rounds and chat with everyone. I try to keep focused, but I find myself scanning the room for Connor and Olivia. There are too many stolen glances from afar and a million things I wish I could say to him. The last thing I want is one-word responses from him, though.

After we’ve had plenty to eat, taken the grand tour of the house, and most of the guests have left, we decide to go too.

“Thanks again for having me,” he tells Gavin. “It’s a beautiful place on an incredible piece of land.”

Gavin nods. “It is. I’m a lucky man.”

“Yes, you are,” Maize says from behind. Stephen smiles, but before I can follow him, Maize pulls me back.

“I’m so sorry. I wanted to warn you but—”

“It’s okay. Not completely your fault.” I give her a tight squeeze, then catch up with Stephen. He drives me home, which is a mile from Maize’s.

After we park, Stephen walks me to the front door.

“I had a really good time today,” he admits.

I grin. “Really? Even after all that?”

“I’m used to it. I think my family is worse. But anyway, if you’re up to it, I’d like to do this again sometime.”

Before I can answer, his phone rings, and he looks down. “I’m sorry, I gotta take this.”

“I get it.” This would be part of our entire relationship, and I’m not positive I want that.

“I’ll text you,” he mouths. I wave goodbye, then go inside. Leaning against the door, I hold my heart and try to calm down. Today didn’t go as planned. I expected to meet Connor’s girlfriend, not his adorable daughter, who’s as sweet as pie.

Chapter Fourteen


Olivia wakes up from a bad dream around four, but I eventually get her back to sleep. Considering I have to be up in an hour anyway, I start my day and let her sleep in since we had a long drive over the weekend.