“Tell Knox to mind his own business.” Kane sits at the bar.

“What’s up with Beavis and Butt-Head?” Kenzie blurts out.

“If I had to guess, fightin’ over a girl like usual.” Kaitlyn rolls her eyes.

“Which girl this time?” Ethan smirks as he grabs them each a beer.

“My guess is Hadleigh,” Kaitlyn sing-songs. That’s Kane’s childhood best friend. Rumor has it he has feelings for her, but she put him in the friend zone.

Kane grunts, grabbing his beer and moving to the other side of the bar by Grayson. We order another round as Kenzie gives Knox a hard time.

“I bet I can beat your ass at pool,” Maize tells Gavin, hopping off the barstool and leading him toward the cue sticks. She waves us over, and we follow.

“You only win because I let you,” Gavin tells her, leaning in and stealing a kiss.

“Kinda like in the bedroom?” She waggles her brows.

“Mm-hmm.” He smirks.

“Okay you two, that’s enough,” Kenzie interrupts in her teacher tone.

Maize puts her hand on her hip. “Wanna play pool with me since Gavin cheats? Winner buys next round.” She hiccups.

“Winner?” I snort-laugh.

“I mean, the loser,” she corrects.

“That’s a deal I’ll take.” Kenzie reaches out and shakes her hand.

“I’m in too,” I add.

“Gonna make you put your money where your mouth is, sis,” Kenzie taunts.

“You wish. I’ve been practicin’,” Maize throws back at her.

“I like drunk Maize.” I chuckle, and Gavin nods, pulling her into his chest.

“You two are disgustingly cute,” Kenzie says with a sigh. “Now go make me an aunt.”

Gavin swoops Maize up in his big arms. “Don’t have to tell me twice.”

“Put me down, caveman!” Maize chuckles.

As we play pool and hang out, Ethan and Kaitlyn refill our drinks, and we have so much fun. None of us follow any of the rules of the game. Maize’s already forgotten the bet, and Kenzie hasn’t reminded her, which is probably for the best. Maize sinks my balls along with hers and replies with more than a few oopsies. As I look at everyone laughing and having a good time, I feel so damn grateful. I have everything I could’ve ever wished for…well, almost everything.

Chapter Twelve


“What do you mean you can’t meet halfway?” I ask Vivian, who’s determined to give me hell today. I couldn’t end the week without her starting shit. Every time before Olivia’s supposed to come stay with me, Vivian goes out of her way to make my life difficult, and this time is no exception.

“Maybe you should skip getting her this time and just pick her up a week early in November?” she suggests.

“Fuck that, Vivian. Have you lost your mind? We have a court-ordered agreement. Getting her for one extra week around the holidays isn’t equal to having her for a month in the summer.”

She lets out a long sigh. When we were married and would get into these little spats, she’d blow things out of proportion. Over the years, I learned to pick and choose my battles, but when it comes to seeing my daughter, I’ll fight all day and night. There is zero compromising when she’s trying to keep Olivia from me.

“So tomorrow you’re driving here to pick her up then?” she asks.

“Why can’t you meet me again?”

“That’s none of your business. I just can’t.”

“Actually, it is my damn business,” I growl.

I can tell she’s annoyed, but so am I. “I’m having car issues, Connor. I can’t afford to pay for it to get fixed right now, so If you want her, come get her yourself,” she snaps before hanging up on me.

I’m so mad I don’t even know what to do. The only thing keeping me sane is knowing I’ll see Olivia tomorrow. Vivian trying to sabotage our already limited time together frustrates the fuck out of me.

My next appointment was canceled, but I have to be out at the Millers’ ranch around three for a routine checkup on their barrel racing horses. Considering I haven’t eaten, I head home real quick.

Between fighting with Vivian and rushing around most of the morning, I’ve already had a long day. Elle not being able to help has shown me how important having an extra set of experienced hands is for the future of the clinic. I’ve gotten used to her taking a lot of the load that I’d almost forgotten how hectic it can be without her. The past few weeks have been rough as I’ve anxiously awaited for her to receive her certificate from the state.

Once I’ve had some time to calm down, I send Vivian a text.

Connor: I’ll be there tomorrow to pick her up. Make sure she’s packed and ready.

After I throw some leftovers in the microwave, I hear my phone in the living room. I can just imagine Vivian’s snotty response.

When my lasagna is hot, I take it with me to the couch. When I pick up my phone, I notice it’s a text from Elizabeth.