I carefully open the certification and beam while reading it. Keeping my tradition alive, I take a quick selfie and send it to Connor.

I’m grinning from ear to ear as I watch his blue text bubble pop up. It’s quickly followed by a text.

Connor: Great. Come in Monday morning, and we’ll discuss the future of your employment here.

My smile fades, and my forehead creases. What the hell does that mean?

He essentially told me he wanted me to continue working with him, but now his response sounds like I have to interview for a position I’ve already been doing. If he changed his mind, why the hell didn’t he tell me? As I stand stunned by his reaction, my phone buzzes again.

Connor: Also, I got a 97.

“Fuck!” I groan, completely annoyed by him. Of course he’d score just a tad higher than me. When he found out I passed, he seemed genuinely happy and excited. This reaction and him being back to his emotionless self wasn’t what I expected.

I decide to go take a shower and calm myself down. As the hot water falls over my body, I force the thoughts of Connor out of my head. As much as he infuriates the fuck out of me, I can’t deny my attraction to him.

After I’m done, I decide I won’t allow him to ruin my happy day.

This is a special moment, and I’m going to treat it as such. And if he wants to be an asshole and discuss my possible future on Monday, I’ll be more than ready. At this point, he needs me more than I need him. I’ve got experience, and I’m sure I could find another job somewhere else if needed.

Once I’m dressed, I start a group text with all of my cousins and let them know the good news.


Kenzie: That’s incredible! Congrats!

Rowan: Woohoo! So exciting!

Maize: You know what this calls for?

I grin, knowing what she’s going to say but play along anyway.

Elizabeth: Magic Mike strippers? :)

Maize: Not quite! We should all go to the saloon and celebrate! Ethan’s working tonight, so it’ll be a blast.


Rowan: I have to pass this time, but the first round of drinks is on me.

Maize: Aw! :(

We all send Rowan messages saying we’ll miss her, but we also understand she has a newborn at home. I look up at the clock and see it’s just past two in the afternoon.

Elizabeth: What if we meet at seven?

Kenzie: That’s perfect! I’ll see y’all there!

Maize: SAME!

Rowan: Have all the fun! I’ll be there in spirit!

The next few hours pass by quickly as I call everyone in the family and announce the good news. I even ran into my parents and got to tell them in person. Mom teared up when she saw the paper. Dad hugged and congratulated me. When he called me Dr. Elizabeth Bishop, I swear my heart swelled.

Regardless of how busy the day has already been, I’m ready to hang out with my cousins and let loose.

As soon as we’re all at the family bar, we’re given a round of shots just as promised.

“First round’s on Rowan,” Ethan says.

Eventually, Grayson walks in, and I invite him to join us, but as soon as he sees Kenzie, he shakes his head.

“Good. He needs to stay over there.” Kenzie scoffs.

“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Y’all need to hate bang out this little rival you two have goin’ on,” I lean in and say as he sits far away from us with some other ranch hands.

She glares at me. “The only banging that’s gonna be happening is my fist into his ugly face.”

I roll my eyes because she’s so full of shit. Grayson is a good-looking guy, and whatever has happened between them doesn’t take away their obvious chemistry.

Our cousin Kaitlyn arrives for her shift. She’s home for the summer and will leave for her final year of college in a couple of months, but for now, she’s working at the bar with Ethan. We always tease her about being the youngest cousin but the most mature. Though it’s not a surprise since Uncle Jackson’s always been rowdy, his sons would be too, and no doubt Kaitlyn’s learned from Aunt Kiera how to keep them in line.

“This round is on me,” she announces, handing us more shots.

We all shoot them down, and moments later, the twins barge through the front door.

“Dude, quit your sulkin’. It’s not a good look on you,” Knox tells Kane, pushing him.

“Shut the fuck up.” Kane shoves him back.

“If y’all are gonna act like animals, y’all can leave,” Kaitlyn scolds, crossing her arms.

“Then tell Kane to stop being a pussy.”

The twins are three years younger than me but still act like a bunch of kids, especially when it comes to giving each other a hard time.