“Ahh,” he says with a knowing nod. “It’s a good day for that too. Have fun. You need anything, lemme know. I think Grayson is out there getting ready for his morning lessons.”

“Great!” I leave out the back door and walk toward the barn. A few horses are already lined up, and I see Grayson brushing them.

“Hey, Elle. Surprised to see you here,” he greets.

“Has it really been that long?” I ask, trying to remember the last time I saw him.

I finish eating my muffin as he goes to the tack room and returns with some bridles. “If we’re talking about you riding, it’s been years I’d bet. Need somethin’?”

“Sadly, I think you’re right. Was thinking I’d ride down to the lookout.”

With a grin, he walks to the end stall and leads out an Arabian beauty. “You should take Spirit. She’ll keep you awake, and she runs like the wind.”

“Thanks.” I find myself smiling as I take the lead rope and move her out of Grayson’s way. I do a quick check and clean her, then grab a pad and saddle. It doesn’t matter how long I’ve been away from riding, I could do this with my eyes closed. I tighten the girth and adjust the stirrups before putting on the bridle. After I make a quick walk around, I lead her out to the clearing, then climb on. Before I can ride away, Grayson hands me a thermos full of water, and I place it in my pack.

“Thanks again,” I say.

“Have a good one,” he tells me with a wave.

A soft morning breeze brushes against my cheeks as we make our way down the winding trail. My gaze drifts off into the vast clearing, and I stare at the rolling hills. When I get to the crossing for the green trail, I make a right and continue. Five minutes later, I guide Spirit to an off-road trail made famous by my uncles. There have been many proposals and first kisses at their secret spot. Big logs surround a fire pit that looks like it’s been recently burned. Probably Maize and Gavin enjoying being newlyweds.

I tie Spirit to a post and sit on a hay bale for a while. I try to enjoy the surrounding nature, soaking in the early sunshine and the sounds of the wind blowing through the tall grass. When my mind begins to wander and thoughts of Connor come to the forefront, I climb back on the saddle. I need to push those inappropriate thoughts out, especially since I’ll be working with him side by side full-time. Though the attraction between us is undeniable, catching feelings for the boss is dangerous—especially since I’m convinced that whatever I felt during our study sessions is all in my head.

I make the loop that leads me to the main trail.

I can tell Spirit wants to get her extra energy out, so I let her run wild. Spirit gallops at such a fast pace, I instinctively lower my body and tighten my core to hang on. When I see Grayson riding toward me with a group behind him, I slow to a trot and then to a walk.

I move Spirit off the trail and take her to a drinking pond where I pet her coarse hair and fur. I look around at the beautiful woods and remember how easy it can be to take all of this for granted—the peacefulness of the land, always having my family’s support, and being surrounded by people I love. I’m always on the move, staying on a schedule and thinking about what’s next, that I often forget to live in the moment and appreciate it all.

“You were thirsty, girl,” I say calmly to Spirit. After she starts pawing in the mud, I pull her away and climb back on. By the time I return to the B&B, I’m hungry and thirsty. I can’t wait to do this again and make it a habit.

I immediately see Uncle John with a customer when I enter through the front door. When I round the corner, I run into Maize. “Oh my God! I didn’t know you were here,” she tells me, giving me a hug.

“Totally wasn’t planned. I took Spirit out this morning.”

She leans forward and sniffs me. “I can tell. Have fun?”

“Yeah, it was a blast. Had some thinking to do, but really needed to occupy myself before the mail was delivered.”

“I bet it comes today. How’ve things been goin’?” She lowers her voice and lifts an eyebrow.

“With what?”

“You know,” she stresses, and I roll my eyes, walking to the buffet.

“Nothing’s changed between us. Just because Connor was helping doesn’t mean anything. It’s for selfish reasons because he needs the extra hands in the office. Trust me.”

She shakes her head. “You’re both stubborn.”

“Now that’s true.” I fill my plate with meatloaf and cornbread, then find a seat. We chat for a bit until Maize has to get back to work. Once I’m home, I rush to the mailbox and sort through the stack. The envelope I’ve been waiting for is finally here, and I almost cry holding it.