Our food arrives, and we continue our conversation. I smile so much when I’m around her that I’m in a better mood by the time I leave.

When I return to work, I answer Connor’s questions with one-word responses. He doesn’t give me the common courtesy of holding normal conversations, and I’m tired of the one-sided ones. He doesn’t seem to care either way.

By the time my shift is over, Maize has texted me to let me know our appointments with Zoey are scheduled for next week.

As I’m walking to my truck, I get a text from Ethan.

Ethan: Mom and Dad won’t be home until late. No leftovers. Going to the B&B for dinner.

Elizabeth: Is that an invitation?

Ethan: Sure is. Meet us there.

Elizabeth: Us?

I don’t know why I even ask because I know what he’s going to say.

Ethan: Harper and me.

I send him an emoji with heart eyes, along with the eggplant and water droplets.

He sends me a middle finger and an eye roll emoji.

Elizabeth: I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.

Ethan: Nope, you’re uninvited.

Elizabeth: Haha! See you soon, little brother.

By the time I arrive, the B&B is bustling with workers and guests. I pile a plate full of beef tips, rice, and gravy with a roll. Ethan and Harper are already seated at a table in the corner by the windows overlooking the gardens, so I join them once I grab a drink.

“Hey, Harper,” I greet as I sit next to Ethan. She looks cute, dressed in a bright red tank top that shows off her tanned skin. Her dark hair is down and rests right above her shoulders. Red lipstick coats her lips, and she’s even wearing makeup that makes her blue eyes pop.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she got dressed for a date, and I just crashed it. She’s gorgeous, and my brother’s an idiot for not making them official. They’re madly in love but too stubborn to admit it, and I’m determined to eventually get it out of them.

She grins and finishes her food before speaking. “Hey! Oh my God, how have you been? I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”

“Right! It’s because my brother is stingy and doesn’t like to share his friends,” I say, nudging him in his ribs.

“Or it could be because you work all the damn time and are in bed before dark,” he counters, snagging the buttered roll right off my plate.

“Seriously? There’s literally a stack of them over there. Get your own,” I scold, then notice heads turning toward us. I lean in closer. “Jerk. You’re gonna have Uncle John over here chewing our asses out for causing a scene in front of the guests.”

“Your roll looked better than any of the others,” he taunts, shoving the whole thing in his mouth.

I’m sure he did it to get a rise out of me and to make Harper laugh because she’s currently losing it. I point my finger at her. “You’re just instigating. Ethan’s not that funny.”

She snorts and wipes tears from her eyes. After she catches her breath, she changes the subject. “How’s work goin’?”

I give her a short rundown of school and work just as Riley and Diesel come in all rowdy.

“You left your lights on,” Riley tells me.

I narrow my eyes at him. “No, I didn’t.”

“You did!” Diesel adds, but they both look guilty as hell, so I don’t bother getting up.

“I’m not falling for that again. The last time you pulled that shit, you stole my seat and ate my food. If my battery dies, I’ll get one of you idiots to jump me.”

“Told you she wouldn’t believe us,” Riley whispers to Diesel but loud enough for me to overhear.

“Mm-hmm. That’s what I thought. What does Zoey see in you?” I scold. “And who put a spell on Rowan to fall for you?” I direct at Diesel. They shrug as if my words don’t faze them, and they go straight to the buffet.

Kenzie walks over and sits beside Harper.

“Oh my goodness, I didn’t know you were joining us!” I squeal.

“Surprise!” She smiles. Before long, Diesel and Riley are pushing their table to connect with ours. I don’t miss the way Harper looks at Ethan as they hold a silent conversation. Now I’m even more convinced she wanted time alone with him.

After we finish eating, I grab a giant slice of chocolate cake but decide to put it in a to-go box. “What’re y’all doin’ after this?” I ask Harper and Ethan.

“I think we’re gonna watch a Netflix movie,” Ethan says.

“And chill?” I barely get out before snorting. Teasing my little brother will never get old.

Harper nearly chokes. “I just recently found out what that means. Apparently, I’d been using it in the wrong context for years.”

“Really? Who finally explained it to you?” I ask, fighting back laughter.