“You’re stalling,” Elle sing-songs and Rowan snickers, then turns around and hands us the tequila. She goes back to the makeshift bar as we shoot it down, then takes our glasses.

“Just needed a little liquid courage first,” I admit, then start from the beginning. I tell them about the one-night stand and how it was the best sex of my life, how we kissed, the stolen glances, and unspoken words we’ve exchanged over the past few months. Then I go into detail about the rodeo and how elated I was to spend time with him.

“So what’s the problem?” Rowan asks.

I suck in a deep breath. “I overheard the twins asking him about traveling with Cooper full-time, and he hadn’t made up his mind at that point. So I pushed him away and stupidly brought a date to his birthday party. I honestly didn’t know it was his birthday, though, so I wasn’t trying to be a bitch. Anyway, he confronted me about it, and I told him I’d moved on, and he should too. So what did he do?”

I glance at them. “He brings Sarah motherfucking Cooke to the Fourth of July party. She was so hateful to me growing up and did some messed-up things just because she could.”

Rowan shakes her head. “Maze. You told him to move on, and he did.”

I throw my hands up in the air. “I know. I’m a damn idiot, and now I don’t know what to do to fix this. I’ve messed up big time, and I’ve realized this entire time that he deserves better from me, but I’m scared.”

“I was actually pissed when I saw Sarah there,” Kenzie admits. “And she was being so flirty and touchy. I wonder if they had sex afterward.”

Elle throws a pillow at Kenzie. “That is not helpful. Gavin is a gentleman, so I bet even if she begged him, he would’ve denied her. I’d bet money on it.”

“Yeah, I don’t think he did either,” Rowan says, bringing us more shots, then continues. “Gavin’s more mature than that. He didn’t seem like he was that into her. After you two had your little confrontation, I watched him. Each time she tried to make a move, he tensed. He was playing games with you, Maize. It was so obvious.”

We gulp down the tequila, and I try to think back to Saturday. I was in a blind rage and didn’t notice the way he reacted to her. I just saw the two of them together, and that was it. Shaking my head, I roll my eyes. “If he did that…”

“Wait, so is he going to travel with Cooper?” Elle asks. “Did you ask him?”

“I’m pretty sure he is because Uncle Jackson mentioned he was looking for another trainer. Why would they need someone else if Gavin wasn’t planning to leave? I thought about it, and that’s the only solution. It’s not like I can just come out and ask him because we’re not really on speaking terms at the moment,” I explain.

“That does make sense, but it could be coincidental.” Elle places a hand on mine. “I’m sorry. Men are dickheads.”

“Speaking of dickheads, how’s that boss of yours?” Kenzie asks.

“I am not talking about him tonight. This is about Maize, not me,” she announces.

“He’s just so hot. I literally thought about getting an assistant job just so I could stare at his tight ass in those jeans all day long.” Kenzie grins, then shrugs. “It’s not a lie.”

I snort, and I’m so happy to have them as my support system. “Maybe you should apologize,” Rowan suggests. “Tell him how you feel. You won’t know what you’re missing out on if you don’t give him a chance. You have no idea if he’s going to break your heart until he does. Sometimes, finding love is worth the risk. I know you’re asking yourself, what if it doesn’t work out? At least you would’ve had a good time. The flip side of that is, what if it does? What if he’s your match, and you’re so determined to push him away that you lose that opportunity?” Rowan stares at me, waiting for my answer.

I have nothing, though. She’s right.

“When did you become so logical?” I ask.

She gives me a small smile, and I see her glance down at the gigantic diamond on her finger. “Love does that to a person, I guess. If I hadn’t given Diesel a chance or allowed him to explain himself, I wouldn’t be where I am right now. I was convinced marriage wasn’t in my cards too, and the whole time the man of my dreams was right in front of me.”

“I’m so damn happy for you,” Elle exclaims, and Kenzie pipes in too.

“It was the sweetest proposal I’ve ever seen,” Kenzie tells Rowan.

I look at her as she grabs our glasses and the tequila, and that’s when I realize she hasn’t drunk a sip. “Are you gonna have some Patrón, or are you trying to get us all drunk for a reason?”