“Here’s a standing desk,” I say, patting the solid wood.

“Some of my best ideas come while I’m not sitting,” she says, her voice pitching upward as she invites me to fill in the dots.

I gesture to a peace lily in the corner, next to a south-facing window that bathes the room in sunlight.

“I like peace lilies,” she says, in that same I’m curious what you’re up to tone.

“And the cherry clock you liked in Venice.”

“I do love that clock.”

Time to tell her. “What do you think about a studio of your very own? A place to come where you’ll have more space to work, room to meet with clients, and even host a little gallery show if you want to?”

Her irises sparkle with excitement, but questions too. “It’s amazing, but I don’t think I can afford it, Jesse. This space is gorgeous, however—”

“You don’t have to afford it.”

She swallows, takes her time, then whispers reverently, “What do you mean? What are you up to?”

Nerves rush through me again, but they settle quickly.

This is it.

“This could be your studio,” I say.

“My studio,” she repeats, her tone awed.

I take her hand, leading her to the door on the other side of the airy space. I wrap my hand around the knob. “That is, if you don’t mind spending time with the guy who’s about to buy this garage.”

Her jaw slackens. She tries to speak, but no sounds come out.

I open the other door into an adjoining garage. It’s empty. No cars, but the counters and tools reveal what could be here.

If she says yes.

Her hand flies to her mouth. “Jesse,” she whispers around her fingers, then lets them fall. “What did you do?”

I wheel around, clasp both her hands in mine. “Say the word, sweetheart, and I’ll make this ours. Max found the space last week. And I can buy it today for us. If you want me to come home.”

“Home,” she echoes, and it sounds damn beautiful falling from those gorgeous lips.

“I can’t stand being apart from you another day,” I say, pouring out the truth. “I can’t stomach the thought of going back to Los Angeles and leaving you behind, and I don’t want you to leave your business or your family. I’m ready to move back.” I lay it on the line as her eyes shine. “I miss you. I miss you so much it hurts. You’re all I think about. I just want to be with you for the rest of my life. With you in the same city, sharing the same bed, enjoying as many days and nights with you as I can get. Will you marry me?”

Her eyes float closed for a brief second, then she opens them, bringing her hand to her heart. “You’re asking me to marry you and you’re buying this space for us?”

I nod. “I didn’t want to do it without asking you first. Since we’re a team and all.”

“A team,” she echoes, her eyes glittering.

“But yeah . . .” I’m past ready to hear what she thinks, what she feels. Desperate to hear that “yes” I’ve been dreaming about. “I was hoping you’d dig the idea as much as I do. So what do you think? You like it?”

Her Epilogue


* * *

Do I like the idea?