The words make my stomach clench, but I ignore it. This is good. The list is shaking things up and putting Ruby on a path to a more exciting, fulfilling life.

That’s what the list is about—Ruby finding her mojo. It isn’t a shortcut to getting her to sleep with me. I’m leaving. I sold the shop. I need to do the list and say goodbye like a friend.

Sleeping with her is a conflict of interest.

A big one.

It’s time to set the rules of breaking the law. Because I’m a good friend who looks out for her. I raise one finger. “This new scofflaw side of you . . . if I’m going to embrace it . . .” I trail off, playfully letting the word stretch between us.

“Yes?” she asks with twinkling eyes.

“I need to know our signal. What’s our plan if the cops show up? Do I leave you behind, or toss you on my shoulder and run like hell?”

“You better not leave me behind,” she protests, matching my tone. “But I’m not sure I’ll need carrying. As I’ve proven tonight . . . I’m very fast.”

“Yes, you are,” I murmur, offering her a hand so she can hop down from the O. “And I’d never leave you behind, my criminal friend.”

But I am leaving her behind.

Only, I have to stop thinking of it that way. Ruby’s trying to live her best life. I’m trying to live mine.

It just so happens, mine will be across the country.

And that’s going to have to be okay.

As we walk away from the museum, I rub my palms together. “Okay, renegade. Tell me the plan.”

She spins around, walking backward. “The plan is to meet me in SoHo tomorrow afternoon,” she says, then gives me the cross streets.

“And what will we do? Break into an art gallery? Steal a bowl of overpriced oats at a café? Jaywalk?”

She shrugs like a sexy imp. “You’ll see. It’s a surprise.”

Considering the kiss was something of a surprise, I have a feeling I’ll like this one as well.

Maybe too much.



Dear Claire,

* * *

Tonight . . . I kissed Jesse. Yeah, that Jesse. Your Jesse. Our Jesse.

* * *

And it was amazing. Mind-blowing. Take the best kiss you’ve ever had, multiply it by five and raise it to the sixth power, and you’d still fall short of just how high he ranks on the kissing scale.

* * *

And yeah, I know. He’s your brother.

* * *

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