I didn’t come to her home expecting a gift, but that might be the best present of all. When I slide inside, feeling all of her, I know. I know it’s only going to keep getting better.

That’s another thing she’s taught me, and it’s a lesson I can’t wait to keep learning every single day.

Chapter Thirty


It’s Monday afternoon. Go time. The board members are gathered inside the boardroom with their beverages of choice, the glossy marketing preview our ad agency prepared, and all their preconceived notions.


e of them want to sell.

I know that.

And I know there’s a chance that nothing CJ or I say will change their minds.

A week ago, the thought would have turned me inside out.

But now, I have this woman, this amazing person who will be on my team—and in my heart and my bed—no matter how the vote goes today.

I’m going to be okay. Better than okay, because everything that matters is right here next to me.

“You ready?” I give her hand a quick squeeze outside the heavy brown door.

CJ looks up at me, her eyes warm and sure. “I am. And so are you. You’ve got this. There’s no doubt in my mind.”

I grin, fighting the urge to lean down and kiss her.

Later. After the vote. I’ll do it the very second we’re alone, because I will need her kiss, no matter which way things go.

I swing through the door, holding it for CJ to enter before me. We take our seats as I smile at the familiar faces—even Bill and Betsy, who are wearing twin “I will not be moved” expressions. Well, too bad, guys. I’m going to move you or die trying . . .

Quickly, we run through the standard business matters. Then we move on to the key topic. I stand at the head of the table.

“So, as you all may know . . .” I pause, building the suspense as I take a moment to make eye contact with each person at the table. “I’m a bra man.”

I’m rewarded with chuckles from most.

“Yep, I'm a bra man, a panty man, a baby doll man,” I continue. “I love underwear, and I’m not afraid to admit it. I love underwear, I love women in underwear, and I love this company. Adored is more than a name to me. When Sean and I started this venture, we wanted to make sure every person who slipped into our product felt special, valued, irreplaceable. Sometimes that means they’ll look in the mirror and love how a certain item of clothing makes them feel. Sometimes it means they’ll blow their lover’s socks off in lingerie that brings out the kind of woman they want to be.”

I pace toward the window overlooking the city, motioning toward the sun-drenched skyline. “Beauty means different things to different people. Every woman out there is a unique and beautiful individual. But those women, the women who wear our lingerie, they have things in common, too. They value quality, originality, and integrity. They value themselves and believe they deserve the best.”

My gaze drifts back across the room. “With our industry in a state of flux, it can be tempting to think about other options. Easier options, maybe.” I shrug, lifting my hands at my sides. “Sure, why not sell our lingerie company to a conglomerate peddling everything from socks and suits to snow-cone machines and mail-order tick medicine for your dog?”

Muffled laughter assures me the room is still with me.

“But Adored has never been about easy. It’s about a commitment to something fine in a world that’s drowning in fast, cheap, and disposable.” I meet Bill’s gaze, then Betsy’s, watching their expressions soften. “It’s about what women deserve, not what the world has told them to settle for. You want somebody leading this company who understands that, and who understands why Adored is special. A one-company kind of man.” My gaze glides briefly to CJ, enough for only her to understand as I say, “A one-woman kind of man.” She smiles, making my heart do that weightless, walk-on-the-moon thing it does with her these days.

I finish with a line that is about so much more than business. “I want to be that man, and I hope you’ll keep having me.”

A polite smattering of applause fills the room as I motion to CJ. “Now Caroline, Sean’s sister, would like to say a few words.”

CJ stands, beautiful and poised as ever, and I’ve never been prouder to have her on my side. “Hello everyone. Believe me, I know it can be enticing to explore different options. I understand the temptation and have experienced it myself. But in the end, I realized that selling would have been a choice I made out of fear, out of a lack of belief in what I could accomplish.”

Her tone gentles as she adds, “And fear is never a good reason to make a big change. If a sale was right, you would know it in your bones. It would be something you would be ready to fight for.” She pauses, giving a small shake of her head. “But that’s not the feeling I get here today. I sense that you all believe Adored’s future is valuable, and that it should be trusted to someone who understands that.”

CJ arches a wry brow as she motions my way. “And, well . . . Graham knows panties.”