She taps her watch. “I hear you, Graham Cracker. And you know I’ll help if I can. But I can’t do anything until you spit it out.”

“She’s interested in going back to school,” I blurt out.

Luna furrows her brow. “For what? Business? Doesn’t she run her own company already?”

“Not that kind of school.” I cut the bullshit, adding in a softer voice, “She wants me to be her teacher. Her one-on-one, private sex ed teacher.”

Luna’s mouth falls into an O. “Wow. I just can’t picture . . .” She blinks behind her glasses. “She seemed so shy the one time I met her. She actually came out and said she wanted a sex tutor? Are you sure you understood her?”

I scoff. “Please. I earned an A-plus in that subject.”

A sharp-eyed stare is my response.

“Trust me. There was no innuendo. No subtlety. She was one hundred percent direct. She wants me to develop a lesson plan in how to please a man. Apparently, she doesn’t feel she’s as well versed as she wants to be.”

Luna snorts. “But no way she’s a virgin, right? She’s a babe. Straight-up foxy. I mean, if I weren’t madly in love with Princess, I’d do her.”

I roll my eyes. “Good to know.” Then I sidestep the virgin question because that’s not my confidence to share. I don’t have to reveal the full truth to get Luna’s advice. “She’s inexperienced. And she wants some . . . how shall we say, fine-tuning. I guess she feels in today’s world, she needs a few tricks up her sleeve to hold her own on the battlefield.”

“It is pretty crazy out there,” Luna murmurs. “I thank God every day that I’m not single anymore. And well, I guess it’s natural that she would ask you. You’re her friend, and you have a reputation as a talented guide through hetero O-town, if you’re into that kind of thing.” She shrugs. “So, what did you say?”

“I didn’t say anything. I mean, this is crazy, right?” I ask, shocked that Luna isn’t immediately telling me to back away from my best friend’s little sister. “I have to tell her no. Sean would have lost his fucking mind. I can’t do that to him.”

“Sean would have been happy if the poor girl ended up locked in a convent somewhere.” Luna presses her lips together. “And Sean, rest his sweet, over-protective soul, isn’t here to make this decision. CJ is, and you are. And if the woman needs and wants help, i

t’s something to consider. Do you want to do it? To help someone you obviously care about?”

I shake my head because I can’t go there.

But I also can’t help but think of how CJ would respond to a kiss, my body pressing tight to hers. I can practically feel her curves against my chest, hear her calling my name in her husky voice.

Now that the idea has been planted, I can’t get her out of my mind.

“But that’s not the point,” I say, clearing my throat. “The point is, I have to convince her to let this go, don’t you think? She should flush the sex ed idea and stick to dating until she finds the right guy.”

Luna laughs. “You’re a dumbass, Graham,” she says bluntly. “CJ knows what she wants, or she wouldn’t have had the guts to ask for it. Besides . . .” She waves a hand at the city skyline rising like jagged gray teeth above the green trees of the park. “You’ve romanced and bestowed orgasms upon half the female population of the city. And now you have a chance to put all that experience to use for good.”

I scoff. “Seriously? For good? That’s how you see this?”

She nods vigorously. “Yes. You’ve been asked to help a friend. And if she doesn’t get a yes from you, what makes you think a determined, bright woman like CJ isn’t going to find someone else to teach her the ropes?”

My gut clenches at that thought. Someone else teaching her? Touching her?

“You really think she’d ask someone else?”

Luna shrugs. “Never underestimate the determination of a woman when it comes to getting what she needs. And for the record, if she played for my team, and she’d come to me before I was a married woman, damn straight I would have taught her how to float down the Lesbian River.”

“I didn’t realize it was a river,” I say drily.

Luna wiggles her eyebrows in response. “Just think. What if she goes to a sexpert? Do they have those? If there are people who get paid to cuddle, surely there are sexperts? Guys who will teach CJ all the dirty deeds as long as she’s willing to pay the right price . . .”

The thought is stomach-turning. I don’t want her going to some sleazy sexpert, or even another friend.

I don’t want her turning to anyone else. Period. Sex-batical or no sex-batical, that’s unacceptable. And honestly, it’s probably worth breaking my two-months-and-counting fast.

I raise my gaze heavenward. Sean’s not here—may he rest in peace—but if his sister is fixated on finding someone in this city of millions to teach her how to come undone, and make a man do the same, it’s going to be me.

And fuck, do I ever want to see her come.