Page 85 of The Color of Ivy

“Sam.” It was Roy who spoke his name in a warning. “Mr. Hendrickson was fully under the belief he had all the accurate details. As did we all.”

“No, no.” Orville held up his hands. “Your friend is right. A great injustice has occurred here.” Then stepping closer to Ivy, he said, “I will ensure you are handsomely compensated and I will be more than happy to provide you with a letter of recommendation. As a matter of fact, I can take that one step further. I am certain there are a few strings I can pull and ensure you do find worthy employment whenever you are ready to return to work.” His warm eyes lifted from her and grew hard as he glanced over at Stella. “It appears I will be in search of a new housekeeper. I suppose you wouldn’t be interested in staying on?”

“Thank you, but no. However, I may take you up on your offer of recommendation.” The warmth she felt inside didn’t last long when she felt Sam’s hands drop away.

“Of course, I understand.” Glancing toward Sam he held out his hand. “I thank you sir for bringing my son’s rightful murderer to light.”

Sam accepted the hand and gave a single nod. “Believe me. It was entirely my pleasure.”

“Mrs. Taylor,” he addressed Stella next. “I cannot voice enough my disappointment and disgust at your behavior. Though as a parent, there is a level of understanding to your deed. However, rest assured, I cannot condone your behavior or forgive it.” Glancing at Becky, he said. “May God have mercy on your soul.”

Stella lowered her eyes in shame as he left the room. The marshal turned towards Becky and pulled her arms behind her back before he locked a set of cuffs over her wrists. “Ma’am, you have the right to remain silent...”

Becky’s watery gaze fixed on her mother. “I’m sorry, Momma.”

“Me too, baby.”

The second deputy took hold of Stella’s arm and led her out of the house. Before he did, she lifted her head and gave Ivy a look of such sorrow and regret. Ivy’s heart constricted as she watched her leave. No matter how wrong her actions, she could not help but pity the woman.

Roy approached Sam and Ivy. “I guess I owe you two an apology.”

“No need,” Sam said. “I would have done the exact same thing if the situation was reversed.”

“I know you would.” Roy gave him a pat on the shoulder before turning his attention to Ivy. “You’re a free woman, Ms. McGregor. Good luck.”

“Thank ye.”

His brow arched. “It isn’t me you should be thanking. Sam never gave up on you.”

Ivy’s gaze dropped to the floor at the sad recollection that Sam had, in fact, turned against her. As she listened to Sam and Roy exchange words, she slipped away from Sam and went to stand by the window. Her heart filled with sadness once more as she watched Stella and Becky being escorted into the wagon.

She lifted one hand and gingerly rubbed her fingertips over her chest where her heart hurt beneath. Never again. It had been a hard and almost deadly lesson, but one she would not forget.

Never again would she foolishly allow herself the mistake of handing someone her trust. Or her heart.

Chapter 16

“I apologize for not believing you, Sam,” Roy said. “I suppose I should have trusted you and not judged so quickly. But when I heard the two of you were missing, I saw Daphne all over again.”

Sam vaguely nodded, his attention fixed on Ivy as she stood silhouetted against the window. He had felt her withdraw from him both physically and emotionally. “There has been a lot of that going around.”

“What’s that?” Roy frowned, not following Sam’s meaning.

Sam paused and for some reason the Indian’s words came into mind. “Wildfires.”

“Excuse me?”

“Now I know what he meant.” He shook his head and tore his eyes from Ivy to look at Roy. “Don’t judge other’s by the bad deeds of one.”

“What’s that got to do with wildfires?”

Sam grinned. “Nothing.”

Roy returned his grin and slapped him on the shoulder once more. “You’re getting odder the older you get.”

“Who you calling old?” He shot a glance at the gray hair that had long overtaken his beard.

Lifting his hand, he absently rubbed it and shook his head. “Maybe I am getting too old. Should think about retiring. Would if I thought there was a worthy replacement. Ever thought about taking up the post?”