Page 80 of The Color of Ivy

She glanced at Sam. Was he noticing the young woman’s beauty? Would he compare her to Ivy’s very plain and homely looks? She pushed the thought aside, annoyed with herself for even thinking it. Never before had she ever worried about another woman’s looks over her own.


He glanced back over his shoulder and their eyes met. “Are you sure you want to do this? I’m certain I’ll manage to get her story out of her on my own.”

This made her frown, and for some reason thought of them up there in the Canadian wilderness, making love beneath the towering spruce trees. She had handed him her heart that day, and her trust. Would he try and use the same means to get Becky to talk?

Her eyes looked into his deep hazel depths and felt suddenly foolish for even contemplating the idea. It was her damaged heart causing these heedless thoughts to run wild.

She turned back to the window and watched as Becky scrubbed the cook top in preparation for the morning’s meal. The staff would eat their breakfast first. Shortly, the kitchen maid would no longer be alone and Ivy’s opportunity to confront her would be gone.

“I’m coming.”

He gave her an odd look. A mix between a smile and a frown. Then he crept silently across the stoned courtyard toward the back door. Ivy knew it would be locked, but knew where they always kept the key. While Sam waited in the shadows below the window, she slid her hand under the loose brick in the stairwell and retrieved it.

Without question she handed it to him and watched in awe how swiftly he proceeded. Before she knew it, the kitchen door swung open and they were standing in the dimly lit room. Becky Taylor turned slightly, not seemingly surprised at their intrusion. However frowned when she realized Sam was not one of the staff members.

When her glance shifted to Ivy, her large brown eyes widened in horror. “Ivy? What are you doing here?”

“We need to talk to ye, Becky.”

The young woman’s hand flew to her chest as if she was suddenly having a heart attack. “Aren’t you supposed to be in prison?”

“We don’t have much time, Ms. Taylor,” Sam interrupted, not allowing Ivy to respond.

The woman’s gaze swung back to him, her horror doubling tenfold. “Who are you?”

“My name is Sam Michalski. I’m a friend of Ivy’s and helping to solve her case.”

Becky’s mouth immediately snapped shut, her eyes darting across the room to the exit. Ivy felt that old familiar feeling of betrayal once more. What had she ever done to Becky?

“I don’t believe Ivy murdered Phillip Hendrickson.”

This time the gaze she jabbed him with was full of anger. “Are you calling me a liar?”


Ivy glanced at Sam, startled by his blunt and harsh tone of voice. Her fears of him finding Becky more desirable vanished. He was looking at the woman with such loathing she actually feared he might strike her.

“I’m not the one lying! Why would I need to lie?”

“You saw something that night and for whatever reason, are too frightened to come forward with the truth.”

“I told the authorities what I saw.” Her gaze shifted back to Ivy. “I saw Ivy strike Phillip with an iron poker.”

“That’s not true,” Ivy gasped.

Sam’s eyes narrowed. “Phillip?”

She looked at him annoyingly as if he were half-witted. “Yes, the victim! You do remember him, don’t you? Or has she blind-sighted you with her innocent little act too.”

Ivy watched the woman with disbelief. Innocent little act? Where was that coming from? She wanted to speak up and ask, but Sam was already addressing the maid. “I remember him. I was just surprised at your informal use of his name. Is it not improper for servants to address their employers by their Christian name?”

She looked slightly uncomfortable. “Well, yes, in their presence absolutely. But we refer to them by first name down here in the kitchen all the time. Isn’t that right, Ivy?”

Ivy frowned and shook her head. “I’ve always referred to him as Mr. Hendrickson. As did yer mother.” Though she had thought it odd Becky had often referred to their employer’s son by his first name.

She gave Ivy a peeved expression before exhaling her breath loudly and declaring, “Well Phillip and I had a more relaxed relationship. It was not necessary for me to address him formally.”