Page 44 of The Color of Ivy

“I can’t go any further,” she repeated, though louder and more hysterical.

Sam glanced up and noted the black clouds beginning to roll in quickly. Forcing down his own rising panic, he shot a quick glance toward the other side and said, “It’s not much further now, you can make it.”

She tilted her head to look for herself, though apparently it did little to assure her fears. “I can’t.”

“Yes you can, Ivy.”

“No.” But her response was lost in a burst of tears.

Sam groaned, hating the sound of her cries. No matter how long he lived, that particular sound would forever haunt him. “All right, listen, Ivy. You’re doing great. You’ve gotten this far, I know you can make it the rest.”

Her copper curls bounced in the wind as she shook her head. “No, I can’t. I twisted me bad ankle. I can’t walk anymore.”

Oh Christ.

“All right,” he said, thinking fast as he slowly made his way towards her. “This is what we’re going to do. I’m going to move in front of you, and then you’re going to climb up onto my back.”

“What? Absolutely not.”

But he ignored her and placed his feet cautiously next to her prone figure as he stepped over her. Once safely standing before her, he let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. “Okay, Ivy, you have to at least get up on to your knees. Can you do that?”

“Oh God, Sam.”

“I know,” he said, using his softest tone of voice. “Just don’t look down. Keep your eyes on me. All set?”


“Good.” As he heard her slowly pull herself into a kneeling position, he cautiously lowered himself down onto his haunches. “Once you’re ready, I want you to grab hold of my neck. And, Ivy, stop looking down.”

“I’m not!”

“You are. Now focus.”

He felt her arms slip around him and closed his eyes in relief. “Ye ain’t going to be falling, are ye?”

He chuckled. “I wasn’t planning on it. Are you holding on tight? I’m going to stand up now.”

Fear filled her voice once more. “Why don’t we just crawl across?”

“If you haven’t noticed, there’s a storm right on our path and I for sure as hell don’t want to get stuck out here when it’s wet and slippery.” Taking a glance ahead of them, he added under his breath, “Or if a train suddenly appears.”

Even with the wind stealing away with his words, she must have been close enough to hear, for she exclaimed, “Oh my God! A train? Do ye really think so?”

Sam shot his eyes heavenward, but reached around and grabbed hold of her legs, careful not to grip her injured ankle. “Here we go.”

As he pushed up onto his feet, Ivy let out a blood curdling scream.

“Jesus!” His head shot up, wholeheartedly expecting to see an oncoming train. When the tracks remained empty, he shook his head and asked, “What is it? What’s wrong?”

Her arms swung around and clung to his neck. “It’s so much higher up here.”

With one hand, he pried the arm, which clung the tightest to his neck, slightly loose. “Close your eyes.”

“What? Why?” she exclaimed as if he had just asked her to give away her first born.

“You can’t be frightened of something you can’t see.”

“But what if ye fall?”