Page 27 of The Color of Ivy

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Consciousness began to creep back into Ivy’s head. The fog swirling around her brain began to slowly ease. A pounding in the back of her eyes made it nearly impossible for her to open them. With much effort, she pried her lids apart. Directly in front of her was some form of structure made of underbrush. The aroma of something roasting on a fire reached her nostrils. She forced herself to try and focus.

Where was she?

The haze hovering over her brain evaporated completely and memory flooded back. With a start, her eyes flew open and she sat bolt upright. The movement caused her head to feel as if it weren’t completely screwed on right. Her hands came up immediately to press against her temples as if to hold it still.

She had fallen asleep. How was that possible?

Her eyes took in her surroundings. She was enclosed in some type of shelter made entirely of forest debris. No higher than three feet, or wider than six. One wall was sheer rock, the other a man-made lean-to of tree branches, brush, leaves and moss. The sound of movement just outside, had her attention turning toward the entrance to see Sam Michalski stick his head in the opening near her feet.

Automatically, she curled them towards herself.

“You’re finally awake.”

Still feeling confused, she asked, “How long have I been sleepin’?”

“Nearly all day.” He moved away from the entrance. “Come on out and get something to eat.”

He was gone before she could answer. Her stomach felt terribly empty and the tantalizing aroma was stronger now and teasing her horribly. Ivy glanced down and realized for the first time, she was wearing Sam’s long tan-colored coat. It was unbelievably warm, but scratched her naked skin slightly.

Naked skin?

With a horrified gasp she realized she wore nothing under his coat. A wave of nausea filled her stomach. Then rage.

Eyes burning, she crawled out of the shelter to confront her molester. Tears hovered near the surface, but she fought with every nerve to keep them in check. She would not give him the pleasure of knowing he had hurt her. Men like him took great pleasure from that awareness.

Clutching his coat securely to her body, she took the few steps needed to stand directly above him. He was crouched near a fire, the corpse of some unknown critter roasting over the flames. The aroma drifted up to her nostrils and betrayed her. She felt herself go weak. Her s

tomach gave off a loud growl reminding her just how terribly hungry she was. It nearly knocked the anger completely out of her. But not nearly enough.

Sam glanced up when he heard her stomach. “You’re starving. Sit down and eat.”

Instead, she remained where she stood. “Where are me clothing, Mr. Michalski?”

A frown danced between his brows before he gestured toward a cluster of trees. “Over there.”

Her bottom lip trembled hard from her efforts to hold the bubbling inferno within back. “Ye had no right.”

He glanced back up again. A look of confusion on his face. “Had no right to do what?”

“I’m naked.” She bit her lip, trying unsuccessfully to conceal its revealing tremble.

“No kidding?” His sarcastic quip only made her insides boil.

“Ye bastard,” she whispered on a hoarse note, for she was barely able to talk with the huge lump forming in her throat. The urge to break down was overwhelming.

“There’s gratitude for ya.” He made a disbelieving mug. “Generally, where I come from, people think a thank you is more appropriate.”

It took all Ivy’s willpower to keep herself from lashing out and striking him. “Ye arrogant pig.”

“What? You would have preferred I let you die of hypothermia? Or better yet. Leave you in the river? Hell, lady, don’t think I didn’t consider it. I’m beginning to regret I didn’t.”

At the mention of the river, Ivy recalled crossing the shallow water, with its sparkling but hypnotic waves glistening in the morning sun. Recalled how horrible her head felt, her entire body actually. Then everything had gone black and the next thing she recalled was waking up in the twig shelter.

He must have noticed the memories beginning to return, for he got to his feet and his full height and towered over Ivy. She tried hard not to allow his looming frame to intimidate her, but she couldn’t prevent herself from taking an unsteady step backward.

“Y-ye took advantage of the situation.”