Page 52 of The Color of Ivy

And on her face. Her arms. Her torso. There wasn’t an inch of her body he had not struck in anger or punishment. “We were not allowed into town.”

“What about the other staff members? Surely, they couldn’t stand by and watch him abuse two innocent children?”

“They could if they be valuing their jobs,” she told him, knowing her voice sounded bitter, but she would never be able to forgive those servants who not only stood by and watched, but aided the Earl in his vile deeds. Shivering, she drew her knees up to her chest. “No one ever dare go against him.”

Sam was silent for a moment. Ivy would have looked up at him, being that he was so near, but her mind was too far gone in the past. She hated going there. Hated remembering. It sucked her in and made her relive all those horrible memories. Made her remember that night. The last night she ever saw Moira.

He reached out and wiped a tender thumb across her cheek. Yet another tear had slipped out unnoticed. She had an overwhelming urge to reach out and cover that hand. Force it to remain there forever. Never before had she ever been the recipient of such tenderness.

With both hands, he cupped her face and turned it up to him, forcing her to leave the past and gaze into the present. His face was void of any anger. The hard creases around his eyes had smoothed and he was gazing down at her with a look she had never seen before. For a crazy, heart stopping moment, she hoped he would kiss her. Pull her against his solid chest and wrap her in his arms.

Ivy could drown in those arms, against that chest. She could melt into the warmth and comfort his embrace could offer. If only for a fleeting moment. For that was all it would be. Sam did not care for her. He might be feeling pity for her, perhaps a bit of sorrow, but those were feelings born of a human nature. One in which she hadn’t seen in a very, very long time. It was no wonder she could so easily give in to it.

She stiffened her spine and drew away. But she had made far too many mistakes in the past. Thought she saw something that wasn’t there. Thought she could trust, when there was no trust being offered. She had survived all these years on her ability to remain distant, cold. Aloof. She would not let one man risk destroying all that. Particularly this man. She had to force herself to remember he was not her savior. He was her executioner.

He must have noticed her withdrawal for he moved and sat across from her. Not on the other side of the pit as he had earlier, but closer. Yet she felt no threat.

“What did they say happened to Moira?”

“They told me she’d gone and taken the child, had abandoned me. Naturally, I didn’t believe them. She would never have done that.” She paused. “I heard her that night, ye know. Crying and screaming in pain while she be giving birth. She called out to me, and I wanted so badly to go to her. But they had chained me to the bedpost, told me to stay put and keep me mouth shut if I wanted to see me sister again. Three days later, they finally undid me shackles. But it was too late. She was gone.”

His eyes shifted down to her wrists. “You didn’t try and escape?”

Her eyes felt hard as she turned to him. “No.” Regret poured from that single word and she was relieved to see he did not push it further.

“Is it possible she died during childbirth? You said yourself she had looked weak beforehand.”

Ivy shook her head. “No. She was weak in the spirit, not in the body. I heard her. She was crying, begging for her wee one.” Falling silent, her mind unconsciously replayed that horrible night. “And the babe. I heard it. It was crying. They were alive, I know it.”

“Did the servants not even give you any clue as to where she went?”

“They said she ran off. Took the babe and left. I waited several days. Believing she would return. She wouldn’t have done that to me. But after weeks passed and still no sign of her, I began to think that perhaps she had finally had enough. Had made her escape. After all, she now had a wee one to consider and to prote


“After everything she did to protect you, Ivy, do you really believe that?”

“No, not at first.” She shook her head. “But she was gone. And so was the babe. Before giving birth, she revealed to me she was frightened of what the Earl would do to the child. She feared for its safety.”

Sam gave her a sad look then waited a moment before asking, “What did you do then?”

“Nothing. I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to ensure I be there waiting when she returned. But she never did.”

“I’m sorry,” he offered silently.

The gentleness of his voice had a well of emotion bubble up inside. Her eyes closed momentarily, forcing the tears aside before she opened them again.

“Without Moira, the Earl and his son turned their vile attention to me. I guess I finally became frightened enough to run.” And found herself running ever since.

“Where did you go?”

“Initially, I just wandered, looking everywhere for her. I asked at the village and surrounding estates, hoping she might have gotten employment there. When she didn’t show up, I headed for London where I got work and continued me search. But no one had seen her. After years of searching and finding no trace of her, it began to dawn on me, I would never see me sister again.”

“Do you think she’s still alive?”

“I would like to believe that, but in me heart I know she’s gone. Whatever happened to her, whether she fled on her own or been forced out of the Earl’s home, she didn’t deserve it. She was decent and kind and didn’t have a mean bone in her body. When she smiled, her cheeks would glow so sweetly and her eyes sparkled. She had a knack for making me fears go away. I can remember when I was younger and frightened and be missing me parents, she would tell me to imagine the sound of music. We would dance across the floor in each other’s arms. Me mother loved to dance.” A tiny smile lifted the corners of her mouth at the memory. “It made me feel comforted. As if she be there in the room dancing with me. Until even that was gone.”

His eyes shifted down to her ankle. “Did he push you?”