Page 98 of On the Mountain

“All right.” He stared at her for a long while to the point she shifted uncomfortably beneath his gaze, until at last he said, “Agreed.”

He took her arm in his hand and led her back to the front of the house. Anna tried not to let the disappointment eat away at her heart, but she couldn’t help it. That was the price of loving him too much. “Where’s the Reverend?”

“I’ll get him.” Prescott stated and went into the house. The two women stood and watched Wade and Anna. She couldn’t look Kathleen in the eye. When Wade sent the Reverend home, Kathleen would know Anna had failed.

“Everything set out here?” The white-haired clergyman emerged from the house, carrying a bible and beaming brightly.

“Yes,” Wade spoke. “You may begin.”

Anna’s heart nearly stopped. Her eyes flashed to Wade, but he did not return her look. Instead he concentrated on the minister. Kathleen and Elizabeth both broke out into huge smiles simultaneously.

“Wait.” Kathleen’s eyes nearly popped out her head. “Where’s Anna’s veil?”

Wade frowned. “I take it as my wife, she won’t be traveling with you to New Westminster.”

“It wasn’t the trip I had in mind when I asked you to purchase the veil.” She smirked and looked proud of herself. “All brides are now covering their faces during the marriage ceremony.”

His mouth set in a straight line and standing close to him, Anna heard him sigh heavily. Then he went to retrieve the items he had removed from his saddlebag. When he turned around, Anna thought she saw him slip something small into his shirt pocket. Her eyes automatically fell to the soft fabric in his hands and dropped her jaw at the sheer beauty of the material.

“How exquisite, Wade,” Kathleen exclaimed. “And such a perfect match to her dress.”

Wade made no comment, simply walked over to Anna and very gently laid the fabric over her head. His eyes met hers for a complete second before he took a step back and held out another item in his hand she had not noticed. “The shopkeeper thought you might need these as well.”

Her hand shook as she reached out and took the gloves. She had never owned a pair in her life, but had always thought they looked so elegant on the females in Lantern. With nervous fingers, she slid the lacy material over her hands and was grateful when Kathleen stepped forward to assist with her veil. His sister had her back to Wade so offered Anna a knowing smile before dropping the veil over her face.

The ceremony was over quickly and when Anna later recalled the event, she would remember feeling as if it had been surreal. As if she was an outsider looking on. She could hardly believe that it was she standing there in the most striking gown she had ever seen adorned with such exquisite accessories. And marrying the man she loved.

When the Reverend finished, he paused and looked at Wade. “If you like, you may kiss your new bride.”

Her heart caught in her throat and she felt Wade go rigid next to her. Then very stiffly he turned and raised her veil. His eyes settled on her mouth and Anna held her breath. But he only leaned forward and dropped a quick kiss on her cheek before straightening and turning back to the minister.

“I take it you’ve brought the proper legal papers?” His voice sounded very businesslike.

“Yes, they’re inside.”

They all followed the

clergyman into the house where he retrieved the forms that Anna later discovered were the official marriage certificate. It seemed Kathleen had everything looked after as she predicted her plan not to fail. Even Wade made such a comment when hours later he was seeing her off on the stagecoach. After giving Prescott and Elizabeth a hug and kiss, she turned to her oldest brother. “When I return next, we shall throw a huge party in celebration of your wedding.”

“I would prefer you didn’t.”

“Don’t be such a lump.” She gave his arm a gentle swat, then glanced back at Anna. “Perhaps your wife thinks otherwise.”

Wade didn’t even look over at her. “You may hold whatever party your heart pleases, as long as it is your own celebration. I do not care for parties or celebrations of any sort. If my new wife feels differently she will have to learn to adapt. My wife will do as I say.” His voice was very firm and from the look on Kathleen’s face, Anna realized his sister knew how far she could go before stopping.

“Very well. You win.” She looked slightly pouty and a bit hurt and Wade sighed heavily next to her.

“I believe you have that opposite.” Reminding Kathleen of the day’s events.

“I only want to see you happy.” She smiled at him and reached up to stroke his cheek before leaning in for a kiss. “Enjoy your new bride, Wade.”

He offered no response to this parting comment, but returned her kiss on the cheek and helped her up into the stagecoach. Kathleen climbed inside and after Wade shut the door firmly behind her, slipped her arm out to wave to Anna. “Good-bye my dear sister.”

Anna offered a weak smile and returned the wave, then watched as the coach rode out of the ranch and disappeared over the horizon. Wade waited as well, then turned and headed for the house. Prescott decided to take Elizabeth back to town and so it was that Anna was left alone with her new husband.

As usual, she prepared dinner, but this time for Wade only. Not once had she ever eaten in the dining room, and that night was no exception. After dishing out their food, she put her plate on the kitchen table and headed out to the dining room to place Wade’s in front of him. She turned and left him alone.

In the kitchen, she dropped down at the huge harvest table that acted as kitchen table and ate her dinner. The door opened and Wade came in, carrying his plate. She watched him with surprise as he sat down across from her. They ate in silence and when he was done, Wade got up and put his plate in the large kitchen sink then headed for the exit. At the door he stopped and looked back down at Anna. “From now on, you will join Prescott and myself in the dining room for meals.”