Page 96 of On the Mountain

Wade made no comment.

“Funny how I didn’t recognize her as a boy.” The man looked up and shot Wade a smile. “But I suppose she fooled a lot of people.”

“I believe that was her intention.” He muttered and wished the man would hurry up.

“Real shame though what happened to her family and the rest of those folks up there.” He took his time wrapping and Wade felt himself grow impatient. “Is it true the constable was involved?”

“Yes,” he stated matter-of-fact then pointed to the gift. “Just about done?”

“Nearly there.” A huge grin spread across his face again. “Can’t rush things like this. Need to take it nice and slow. Something this fragile needs to be treated with tenderness and a whole lot of patience. Don’t matter if I dress it up in the prettiest and most expensive wrapping, if it’s all broken inside.”

Wade’s eyes darted to the man, but he continued with his task. Frowning, he studied him closer and wondered if there was a hidden message or whether Wade had simply imagined it. He was already feeling guilty about sending her away when she was hurting so bad.

Ten minutes later, he was back on the road and heading through the mountain pass toward the Circle H. He felt a sense of bleakness come over him and a deep depression he was unable to shake. No amount of convincing himself that he was doing only what was right, could ease the hollowness in his chest. Wade reached down and gave Sty a rub on the neck and a memory of Anna with Lucy came to mind. She had been remarkable in training the animal. Not a method he would have used, but the filly grew very fond of Anna and obeyed her every command.

He chuckled to himself as he recalled the first time she mounted the horse. At the time, it was no laughing matter and had been the second time her small frame had come in contact with his. His body had reacted immediately and he could remember feeling confused and horrified at himself for having such a reaction toward a boy. A boy he had bonded with just as much as Lucy did. He hated admitting it to himself, but he had bonded with the girl as well. A girl he knew will be difficult to say good-bye to.

When he eventually turned Sty into the lane that led up to the homestead, he noticed a carriage sitting in front of the house. A frown creased his forehead. It looked like the doctors. Worry tormented him briefly, until the front door opened and Kathleen emerged smiling from ear to ear.

He visibly sighed with relief and automatically looked beyond her to see if Anna was with her. She was. His jaw dropped as he saw her dressed in the beautiful purple dress Kathleen had given her for Christmas. Her hair, which had grown past her ears and nearly reached just below her chin, was now tucked back in several pins beneath a small hat tilted to the side of her head. She never looked more woman.

He looked away and brought Sty next to the carriage where he dismounted and then retrieved the items from his saddlebag. “Is the doctor here?”

“No.” Kathleen’s smile shone brighter and Wade frowned, puzzled by his sister’s expression.

The door opened again and this time Prescott and Elizabeth both stepped out onto the porch. Automatically, Wade tilted his hat. “Afternoon Elizabeth.”

She nodded, but didn’t say anything. Wade thought how odd they were all behaving when a fifth person emerged from the house. Surprised, he greeted the church minister. “Afternoon, Reverend.”

“Afternoon, Mr. Haddock.”

He looked to his siblings and waited for them to explain what was going on, when finally Kathleen stepped forward and said, “The Reverend is here to perform a wedding.”

Wade shot a startled look at Prescott and Elizabeth. “Congratulations. Why didn’t I hear about this earlier?”

But Kathleen answered for them. “It’s not their wedding Wade.”

This time his brow folded thickly as he stared up at his sister. “Then who’s getting married?”

She took a moment to respond, before flooring him completely by saying, “You are.”

Chapter 21

Anna watched the disbelief etch across Wade’s face. Then he gave a sarcastic chuckle. “Who is it that I am supposed to be marrying? Josephine? Is she in the house?”

Kathleen shook her head, but did not speak.

Wade frowned hard and Anna could tell his anger was beginning to boil. She knew this wasn’t a good idea and she could have kicked herself for allowing Kathleen to talk her into it. It was apparent by Wade’s expression that he was not pleased. Then as if on command, his head tilted and looked at Anna. Instinctively, she dropped her chin and stared at the ground. She couldn’t make eye contact.

“Anna?” He sounded dumbfounded as if the idea was ludicrous, and she felt a sharp pain pierce her heart.

Kathleen turned to the Reverend and said, “Would you kindly give us a few minutes.”

He nodded, then went back into the house. When he was out of ear shot, she turned back to her older brother. “We decided this really was the only solution.”

“We?” He shot a look at Prescott, who only offered a shrug.

“You said yourself that she belonged on the ranch even more than you.”