Page 65 of On the Mountain

Grinning at his sister before pushing the box into Anna’s hands, he said, “Go ahead. Open it.”

Anna hesitated, but undid the wrapping as carefully as she did with Kathleen’s. When it was completely removed, she opened the lid and raised her brows. A single-layer tray full of rich chocolates sitting in perfectly cut and shaped tissues lay before her . She had seen them sitting in the window of an expensive shop in Lantern when she slipped into town on her few visits, and her mouth had watered just staring at them.

Their cost, however, was staggering. She could remember thinking how could anyone imagine spending that much money on one box of sweet treats when they could purchase a month’s worth of food supply instead. Staring at the expensive chocolates she thought of all the hungry little mouths back home its cost could have fed. They were just another reminder the difference between them. She put the box of chocolates down, got up and headed for the kitchen.

* * *

He watched her leave and frowned. She looked far from pleased with his gift. Not the reaction he had expected. Admittedly, he was not the best at gift buying and she in particular was the most difficult. But after seeing her response to both Kathleen and Prescott’s presents he thought his would easily meet with her approval.

He noticed Kathleen looking at him with a concerned look in her eye and thought he better go have a word with Anna before she did. He got up and went into the kitchen after her, but found the room empty. The door to the cook’s room opened and emerged before coming to an abrupt halt at his presence. Her hand shot behind her and at the last moment he noticed some form of paper flutter at her back.

“What have you got there?” His brows dipped, feeling slightly annoyed. Though he really had no reason. It irked him more than he realized that she was unhappy with his gift.

She hesitated, then brought her hand back around. With an outstretched arm, she offered the paper to him. Dubious, he took it from her and turned it over. It was a Christmas card depicting a hand-painted image of a mountain in winter cloaked by the early morning sunrise. Automatically, he flipped the card open and was stunned by what he saw inside. His jaw dropped before his eyes shot toward her face.

“You wrote my name.”

She offered a single nod.

“You spent the past month learning how to write my name?” He could hardly believe it. When she offered yet another nod, he shook his head and offhandedly replied, “I thought you were learning how to spell your own name.”

A look of unease crept into her face and Wade unconsciously thought about his own gift to her and how little thought he had put into it. He knew what time and effort she would have had to devote learning the letters required to spell his name. He felt like the biggest idiot.

“I’m sorry you didn’t like my gift,” he said with sincerity.

Her eyes glistened as they looked up at him and Wade thought once again how remarkably beautiful they were, but for the first time he had no idea what they were saying. He took a step back and felt unsure of himself. Maybe it was the dress, he wasn’t sure, but he felt the woman standing in front of him was a stranger.

“Kathleen, I’m sure, would like to bid you a Merry Christmas before she turns in for the night.”

She nodded and followed him back out to the great room. His sister stood up when they reentered. “Is everything all right?”

“Of course.”

“Good.” She reached out and took Anna’s hands. “I’ve so enjoyed having you with us this Christmas. You are a dear person, Anna, and deserve so much for the future.”

Wade noticed the dark shadow cross over the younger woman’s face even if his sister apparently did not. Prescott stood up and held his hand out for Elizabeth to follow. “At least, my dear sister, she still has age on her side. Unlike myself who I’m afraid must bid you all a good-night. My ancient bones are refusing to hold me up any longer tonight.”

“Of course, dear Prescott,” Kathleen took his hands in her own and reached up for a parting kiss. “It has been a very exciting evening and I too must turn in, after all, I know a couple of wee ones that will be up before the sunrise.”

They all bid their goodnights and slowly made their way toward the huge staircase. Wade lingered behind, ensuring the fire was well fed before he headed for bed. Anna was one of the last to leave and for some reason, he called her back. He wasn’t ready to part with her company just yet. She stood in the entrance to the room looking more breathtaking than he had ever seen, yet her innocence and youth were clearly visible. He sighed and came toward her.

Kathleen had stopped at the bottom of the staircase to turn back and see them staring at each other. “I believe you two are seeing the real person for

the first time.”

Anna’s brows dipped, indicating she wasn’t entirely happy with the reveal. Disappointed, he swallowed his pride and gently grasped the exposed flesh on one of her arms. He couldn’t agree less. Not even a month ago, he had thought she was just a simple average looking girl. No remarkable features to label her attractive. However, he couldn’t have been more wrong. The delicate creature standing before him with the most exquisite set of dark eyes and pearly soft skin would probably have to be the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. The boy was gone forever.

“I believe I owe you this.”

He moved quickly, knowing her naive ways would try to deter him. Leaning down, he planted a gentle kiss on her cheek.

“Merry Christmas, Anna.”

* * *

Anna woke the following morning with so much joy in her heart, she thought her face was probably glowing brighter than the sun. The evening before admittedly had its disagreeable moments, but the pleasant ones far outweighed them. She pushed back the warm blanket covering her body and touched a hand to her cheek. It was the best present she received all night. As a matter-of-fact, she hoped the day would find her caught under any one of the many mistletoes throughout the house with Wade once again.

Getting herself dressed in her simple boy’s attire, she couldn’t wipe the smile from her face if she tried. She was in love and she wanted to shout it to the world. It was a good thing then, she mused, she had lost her voice. He may have been very sweet with her yesterday, but nowhere did that mean he shared her feelings from the heart. She brushed the thought aside and refused to allow any sour thoughts to enter her head. It was Christmas Day.