Page 61 of On the Mountain

Anna quenched her self-pity and wouldn’t allow herself to think along those lines. She could never be a lady like Kathleen.

“However, I’m sure you’re far too tiny.” She beamed. “We had enough trouble finding you pants for tonight.”

Anna forced a smile in return.

“Your guests are arriving shortly, my dear.” John, her husband, said from behind them.

Kathleen turned, and Anna saw the man standing in the entrance to the room along with a much taller gentleman whose handsome features struck Anna before his identity did. His perfectly sculptured face was freshly shaved and his long shaggy hair was cut short and combed close to his head. He wore a black and white tuxedo that emphasized his masculine form and towering height. However, those magnificent eyes remained unchanged.

Anna gasped and she literally raised her hand to cover her heart. All three turned to look at her.

“Are you all right?” Kathleen inquired, concern in her eyes.

She nodded and tried to draw her eyes away from Wade, but they refused to budge. She had guessed he would probably be an attractive man beneath that beard, but she obviously had no idea just how handsome. He was remarkable looking, far beyond her imagination. She had thought he would look similar to Prescott as their family resemblance was strong. With their beards, the brothers did look very much alike, however once shaved they couldn’t look more different.

Kathleen noticed where her attention was drawn and smiled. “Wade was very lucky. My stylist was quite efficient with the razor. Do you approve?”

Anna didn’t even realize she nodded.

“See Wade,” Kathleen said over to her brother. “You look far more handsome without that grizzly beard.”

He rolled his eyes and ran a hand over the missing facial feature. “I’m glad to have your blessing.”

“And Anna’s.” She grinned, then excused herself as the first of the guests arrived.

Wade approached her and Anna shriveled away, feeling worthless in comparison. It was the first time she ever considered him a gentleman, and the first time ever that she believed they were on two separate plateaus. She had always felt herself beneath Wade, however at that moment she felt he belonged in an entirely different world. One in which she did not belong.

“My beardless face meets with your approval?” He smiled as he spoke, but Anna refused to look and tried instead to concentrate on his low baritone and familiar voice. His face was that of a stranger. With a start, she shook her head and quickly hurried out of the room.

* * *

Wade’s first thought was, that made two of them. His second was to wonder if he ought to be insulted. Did she find him so unattractive that she would prefer his face covered? Admittedly, he was surprised. Generally, he was considered a good-looking man. Popular with the female population for years.

He rubbed his chin and wondered for the umpteenth time that afternoon, why he agreed to have the thing shaved. Kathleen’s nagging had certainly begun to get under his skin, but he usually didn’t allow it to influence him. He thought of Anna and frowned. What, exactly, did she find so offensive about his face?

He didn’t have long to contemplate this thought as Kathleen’s guests were arriving and, as unofficial host he knew he was expected to fulfill certain duties. He spent most of the night going from one guest

to the next attempting small talk, but refrained from finding anyone of them entertaining. Josephine Wilkins had arrived with her family and had thrown herself at Wade at every possible opportunity. Since it was considered impolite to tell a lady to go and jump off a bridge, he forced himself to listen to her mindless chatter and obnoxious giggling.

Kathleen had passed them several times and only offered him a secret smile before nodding toward a sprig of mistletoe nearby. Wade, however, was already on his guard and would be damned before he got caught under one of those with that disagreeable woman. Or any woman.

She was making herself far too noticeable that evening, perhaps she was getting desperate and hoping to finally lure him into marriage. He would be standing at one end of the room and he could hear her bellow with laughter from the other side. Far too many times, she would snap at Anna for bringing her the wrong drink or complain to her for what she believed was foul cheese served from one of Anna’s trays. Wade had to grit and hold his temper.

He had been watching Anna all night and was impressed with her ability to go unnoticed, with the exception of Josephine, as she made her way around the room serving drinks and food. She looked ridiculous in her outfit, but he couldn't help but notice how nicely the breeches showed off her slender legs. The entire costume clung and molded to her petite frame, causing Wade to admire how remarkably flawless her female features truly were. He caught his wayward thoughts before they drifted into dangerous territory.

Having spent most of the night playing dutiful host and offering polite conversation to his guests, he was ready to call it a night so safely found his way back to Prescott who was keeping Elizabeth company.

“Evening Elizabeth.” He nodded to her in greeting.

“It’s a lovely party,” she said. “Thank you for inviting me.”

“You’re welcome,” he smiled and glanced at Prescott. “I’m certain Prescott wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Do you not like to dance, Mr. Haddock?” She motioned toward the dance floor that had been kept busy all night long.

“Please, call me Wade.” Then he looked over to where she gestured and he saw his sister swaying gracefully between dancers to the lively music of the band. She smiled broadly at her partner and Wade was happy that his sister was enjoying her party. “No, I’m afraid I am not very graceful when it comes to dancing.”

“Don’t let him fool you,” Prescott leaned forward to say. “He is an exceptional dancer, just a prude and a snob.”