Page 101 of On the Mountain

Anna gave a single nod.

“So it is true.” She exclaimed. “I could hardly believe the rumor when I heard it.”

She glanced toward the shopkeeper, but he continued with his task of fishing through piles of boy’s pants, obviously in search of the right fit.

“My name is Lilith Grahams and this is Gertrude Farley.”

The second woman stepped forward and plastered a big smile on her face. “You can call me Trudy, everyone does.”

Anna frowned, puzzled by the lady’s behavior.

“I’m sorry, we didn’t catch your name.”


“Lovely name.” They both beamed at her. “May we call you by your first name?”

Perplexed, she looked at them and wondered what other name they would have her referred to. The shopkeeper seemed to sense her confusion, for he turned from his task and said, “Mind your manners, ladies. Mrs. Haddock is also the Countess of Lorden and is the wife of a very prominent man in our community.”

They smiled and unconsciously their glance dropped and took in her attire. Instinctively, Anna blushed and went to take a step back. Not necessarily from fear of the ladies, but more of an innate reaction to the shopkeeper’s words. With all that had gone on, she had not realized the full impact of marrying Wade. She suddenly felt like she had taken on more than she could handle.

“It really is no surprise that when Wade eventually chose a bride, she would be as rugged as him.”

Anna frowned, insulted, but the ladies noticed her expression and immediately went to correct themselves. “That wasn’t meant as an insult. I bet half the women in town wish they could be allowed to romp around in men’s clothing. They certainly look far more comfortable.”

She nodded slowly, but truthfully would give anything to look as beautiful as they did. Perhaps then Wade would notice his wife was a woman and not the boy he had rescued. Looking at them closely she wasn’t sure if they were being sincere or not. Apart from Kathleen and Elizabeth, she had no experience in this field. There were no girls her own age in the village. Her only friend had been her brother.

“We hold a woman’s weekly community gathering every Wednesday night. We would be honored if you came and joined us.”

Taken back, her jaw dropped and she thought desperately on how to respond. Thankfully, that chore was taken out of her hands.

“I’m afraid my wife is very busy at the ranch. She has little time for such nonsense.” Though his words sounded offending, Wade offered them a friendly smile.

“Don’t be ridiculous Mr. Haddock.” They brushed off his comment, apparently use to his bland remarks. “With all that male company up at the Circle H, your wife could do for some female companionship.”

His brow arched and he turned to look down at Anna. “Do you feel that way?”

She hesitated, not sure why, other than she hadn’t given it much thought. But if she were to be truthful, perhaps the ladies were correct. It seemed he read the answer in her eyes for he raised his brows in surprise.

“Your wife is a beautiful woman, Mr. Haddock, but a bit of female influence wouldn’t hurt her.”

“I’m fully aware of how beautiful my wife is, ladies, I do not need your affirmation on that account,” he told them, and had Anna’s mouth gaping open. Wade had never told her he thought her beautiful. When he glanced at her, she immediately closed her mouth and looked away. “I do not believe she is in any need of your attention.”

They chuckled and he looked away from Anna swiftly, his face screwed up as if he had just been slighted. “Then allow her to own a half decent dress when coming into town. Those boys’ pants she is purchasing, we admittedly envy, but she needs to feel elegant once in a while.”

Wade’s eyes narrowed as he glared down at Anna. “Pants?”

She shifted and wished the ladies would leave. Better yet, she wished she could go. Running would actually be her preference of exit. “I thought they were more practical.”

He did not respond and Anna dared not look at him. They stood there for several minutes before he turned and addressed the women. “Thank you, ladies, you have been most cordial with my wife as she waited for me, however, if you will excuse us now.”

They nodded and stepped away. “Shall we see Mrs. Haddock at the woman’s gathering Wednesday night?”

“If Mrs. Haddock wishes to go, then I will ensure she will be there promptly.” He turned and took her arm in a firm grip, then propelled her to

ward the counter. “Would you kindly include the dress in the window to my wife’s purchase order?”

“Certainly.” The storekeeper smiled and went to fetch the item.