Page 74 of On the Mountain

“Whoa there, where do you think you’re going with my employer?”

Wade’s jaw dropped and his gaze shot back to Anna’s face. “This here is one of my ranch hands.”

The man raised his brows, obviously surprised, but still refused to budge. “Well, unless he’s done something criminal against you or your property I think the boy has the right to work wherever he wishes.”

“Not this case.” Wade growled low and stared at Anna over the saloon owner’s shoulder.

“Look, mister, the boy came to me for work. Just because he may have worked for you, doesn’t mean you own him.”

Wade took a deep steady breath and appeared to be trying to control his temper. Some of the ranch hands shuffled their feet behind him. “Hey, boss, since we found the kid, it all right if we head on back to the saloon?”

There was still rage in his eyes, but he took a moment to sound controlled as he said over his shoulder. “Yes.”

As the men piled out of the small saloon another set of footsteps pounded the floorboards as Prescott made his entrance. “Thank God, you found him.”

“Looks that way.”

Prescott advanced. “We were so worried. You shouldn’t have run off like that.”

The saloon owner frowned and studied the two brothers. “You two seem awfully concerned for a simple ranch boy.”

Prescott gave a funny shrug of his shoulder. “He isn’t just any ordinary ranch boy.”

Wade continued to glare at her over Mr. Ashcroft’s shoulder. Under his breath, he told Prescott. “Apparently, he didn’t want to be found.”

“That’s nonsense. Peter, come along now. We have a room booked for you.” He gave her a knowing look.

Ralph Ashcroft frowned. “Peter? Who’s Peter?”

No one replied at first, then Prescott gestured toward Anna.

The man raised his brows and glanced over his shoulder. “I thought you said your name was Wade?”

It was the first time since entering the tavern that Wade’s face eased from a raging inferno. He finally took his gaze from Anna to glance at the owner. “The boy told you his name was Wade?”

Anna felt her face go all red and avoided looking at him.

“Yes, is it not?”

His eyes shifted to her face. “No. Just the latest in disguises.”

The man frowned and at last turned to look at her. “Did you lie to me boy?”

Wade took the opportunity to grab her by the shoulders and heave her up against his broad chest. “Look, you can have it out with him later. Right now, it’s my turn.”

Fear leaped to her eyes and she scolded herself foolishly for using his name. Anger wasn’t a reaction she expected. He dragged her out of the building and into the dark night, Prescott was directly behind them.

“What on earth is going on? Why were you in there Anna?” Prescott walked quickly to keep up with them.

Wade was not waiting. Anna literally had to run in order to keep up with his long strides. Her frantic glance shot back at Prescott and silently pleaded for his help. She had never seen Wade look so angry.

Prescott caught her plea and attempted to soothe Wade’s heated anger. “Wade, you need to calm down.”

“Like hell, I do,” he barked.

“The man was right, you don’t own her. She can make her own decisions in life.”

Wade ignored him and dragged her up the few steps into the dance hall.