Page 111 of On the Mountain

Anna had nodded, then quickly ran into the barn to hide her embarrassment. To make matters worse, she walked straight into a barn door when she discovered Wade and Joe inside the stable going over some business dealings. When Wade heard the bang he spun around alarmed and looked at Anna concerned. “What happened?”

She shook her head and tried to brush the incident off, but she couldn’t stop her hand from rising to the bruise she was sure to receive beneath the hair sweeping across her forehead.

“Are you okay?” Wade watched her closely while she quickly replaced the feed bucket. Joe snickered beside him and Anna refused to look at either of them and hurried out of the stables, but not before she heard Joe tell Wade something about her being smitten.

Anna nearly ran all the way back to the house and didn’t go anywhere near Wade for the remainder of the day. He and Prescott came in for lunch, but left before any words could be exchanged as it was apparent the heifers were keeping them busy. Anna was glad, she would be horribly embarrassed if Wade mentioned her accidents in front of Prescott. Truth was, Joe was right. Anna was acting like a young school girl with a huge crush. She had to get control of herself.

Both men came into dinner, clean and dressed properly. Anna felt slightly stupid for having done her chores in her only proper dress. When she sat down at the dinner table, Prescott noticed the soil on the hem of her skirt, but as a true gentleman, made no comment. Instead he ruled the conversation at the dinner time as usual, however, this time Anna was truly excited to hear his good news.

“Has Wade told you that I am an engaged man?”

“I haven’t had the opportunity,” Wade stated before placing a fork full of food into his mouth.

“How wonderful. I’m so happy for you and Elizabeth.” She smiled with genuineness.

“I proposed last night and she accepted. We decided an August wedding would be lovely. When Kathleen comes to visit next month, she’ll finally have that celebration she has been wanting.” He beamed and Anna realized with a start that the evening before hadn’t been special just for her. “Now you and Wade may have this home all to yourself.”

Her smile wavered, but she planted it firmly back on her face before turning her attention to her meal. Wade had barely exchanged any words with her all day, she was beginning to think the night had not been nearly as special for him as it was for her.

“What do you mean? Are you and Elizabeth not planning on taking residence here?”

“Heavens no,” he laughed and shot Wade a look, before returning her attention. “Newlyweds such as yourselves need your privacy.”

Anna blushed and quickly dropped her chin against her chest.

“Besides, I have already decided to purchase the McMillan house at the west end of town. The restaurant and inn might be suitable for a widow such as Elizabeth, but are not proper living quarters for a family.”

“I see,” she stated, knowing which home he referred to. It was the biggest house in Lantern. The McMillan’s had been the wealthiest family in Lantern, up until Anna learned of Wade’s family history. Admittedly, Anna was going to miss Prescott. Though she dearly loved the times she had alone with Wade, Prescott brought an element to the relationship the trio shared.

The men retired to the great room where they had drinks and smoked cigars in lieu of Prescott’s announcement. Anna watched Wade closely when she knew he wouldn’t notice and thought she detected a slight look of sadness in his eyes when Prescott spoke of leaving. After all, they had lived together for so many years, it was no wonder he would miss his brother’s company.

It was getting late and since Anna felt sure her presence was not warranted, she stood up and excused herself to bed. She felt Wade’s eyes on her as she went into the kitchen. All day she had worried where their relationship would go from this point forward. Wade’s silence had told her all she needed to know.

She went into the cook’s room and took off her dress, slipped her nightgown on and then crawled into bed. After dousing the light she stared into the darkness and immediately saw images of Wade and herself making love in his bed. She squeezed her lids tight and tried unsuccessfully to erase them.

Tossing and turning for a long time after, she eventually gave up and lay flat on her back staring up at the ceiling. Somewhere up there, Wade was sleeping in the bed they had shared the night before.

She was startled out of her daydreams when the door to her room suddenly swung open. “Anna? What are you doing?”

Staring up at Wade, she pulled herself into a sitting position. “What do you mean?”

“I mean what are you doing back in the cook’s room?” He sounded annoyed.

Anna blinked and tried to make sense of his question. “Where else am I to sleep?”

He cursed and reached for her legs, throwing them over the side of her bed. “In my bed.”

Anna’s heart began beating fast. “You didn’t ask me.”

Wade paused, frowning down hard at her. “I didn’t think I had to. Besides, you’re my wife. You’re supposed to be in my bed.”

“I didn’t know if you still wanted me, after last night.” She told him in a whisper, her voice slightly cracking. It had been so wonderful for Anna, but for Wade she had almost forgotten it was nothing new to him.

He went still, simply stood there and stared down at Anna. She kept her gaze fixed to the floor. Then she heard him release a heavy sigh and move toward her. Dropping down on the floor in front of her he reached out and took her hands in his. “It shocks me to hear you even ask that, because of last night.”

She looked up, hope slowly rising.

“Hell, it’s probably my own damn fault.” He ran a weary hand through his hair before something caught his attention on her leg. Reaching out he touched her knee. “I’ve been wanting to do this all day.”