“I know who you are.”

His brows shot up. “You do? Then you are aware of your father’s, er, goals the other night?”

“Yes. I have for some time now.”

“And is that with your blessing?”

She held his gaze. “I trust my father knows what is best for me.”

“That wasn’t what I asked. Are you in agreeance with him?”

“Of course.” Her voice fell flat and unconvincing.

“You approve then?”

She hesitated then turned the tables, “Are you unhappy with your winnings, sir?”

Taken aback, he shook his head. “No, not exactly, just surprised.”

When she arched a brow, he said, “Your father chose to refrain from telling me that it was his daughter, Evelina, and not his boat, Lady Evelina, I was gambling on.”

“Oh.” She looked all at once stricken and even a bit embarrassed.

“Ah, he has decided to refrain from informing you of that small tidbit as well.”

“I see.”

“Your father has schemed his way into getting you a husband and though I wholeheartedly disapprove, I can, in small part, understand his motives. Not being a father myself, let alone to six daughters, it is hard to comprehend his strategy, though I suppose I can somewhat understand them.”

Her eyes shifted and gave him her full attention.

“He’s offered me a deal that is slightly less immoral and one that has me intrigued enough to reconsider.”

He glanced at her and waited for a response. When none came forthwith, he went on. “However, I would like confirmation that the female in question would also be persuaded to chance it and more importantly, interested. I do not wish to force your hand if you are not so inclined.”

“What has he offered?”

“A month for us to get to know one another.”

“Oh.” A flicker of alarm lit her eyes surprising Ryan.

“I’m sorry, but I refuse to marry a woman I do not even know simply for a materialistic gain.”

“Very well.” She replied stiffly.

He frowned. “You disapprove?”

“Of course not, sir.”

“I’d hardly think you would prefer to marry a stranger.”

“No, sir.”

He paused. “Why have you agreed to this? You are a very attractive female. Surely there are men lining up wanting your hand in marriage.”

Her gaze returned to him but nothing revealing showed in their depths. “You assume wrong.”

Her speech was unhurried and deliberate, each word was enunciated slowly and clearly. Unlike Ryan who spoke