It was a memory he both wished to forget yet served as a reminder not to take life for granted. Little did Ryan know at the time that he would not set eyes on his big robust brother again for another six months. He had returned home only to discover that his parents had traveled to Pennsylvania with Jay’s ailing body to perform a rare and highly risky operation to remove the tumor.

It was the worst six months of his life. Both he and Garrett were on pins and needles until finally, they received word that Jay had survived the operation and was headed home. Even then, they weren’t entirely certain what side effects he might have borne after the operation. The list was endless.

Erika had held fast to her faith that he would pull out of his near-death experience entirely. Thank God she had been right. Jay, always as strong as a bull, recovered fully with no lasting aftermath of having endured such an ordeal.

Nevertheless, the whole horrible event had been a wakeup call for Ryan. He always assumed he and his brothers would live long healthy lives and die of old age in their sleep like most old folks. However, he didn’t quite look at life the same anymore. His days were numbered. Whether for the long-term or not he had no idea. Therefore, it was his goal to do everything in his power to fulfill his lifelong dream before it was too late.

A wife would only hold him back. Especially one that he might grow rather fond of. No, that wouldn’t do. He had to keep his emotional distance. Remember that his intentions with the beautiful youngest daughter of his poker opponent was to help her overcome the oddities of her personality that prevented her from snaring a proper husband.

* * *

As Evelina watched Ryan’s departing figure disappear into the pouring rain, the only thing she could focus on was their passionate embrace. Her lips still stung from the bruising of his kiss. With the tips of her fingers, she reached up and touched them. She had never been kissed before. Not like that anyway. Her parents had kissed her obviously, but never a man. And never with such passion. It all at once made her feel both amazing and horrible at the same time. What type of person was she to feel such wanting pleasure from a man who was not her husband? The other side of her brain, however, contradicted this very thought and didn’t give a rat’s behind. She only knew she wanted to feel that way again. And soon.

Her eyes widened in sudden awareness. Was that what love felt like? Was she in love with Ryan? Her eyes widened even further.

Was Ryan in love with her?

His earlier revelation that he was unable to commit had sent her hopes spiraling downward, but the look he gave her after the kiss contradicted those words. He must have felt that same raw and palpable emotion as well.

She searched the horizon eagerly for Ryan’s approaching form, hoping that when he did he would kiss her again. She tried to scold herself. Tried to instill morals and proper behavior, but the woman in her had awoken and her heart pulsed its first wanton beat. She desperately wanted, nay, needed to explore those new found feelings. Sooner rather than later.

From the hilltop, a carriage rolled into view before Ryan leaped out and ran back to the shelter where Evelina waited for him anxiously.

He did not stop until he had stepped inside the small culvert forcing Evelina to step back to give him room. It was a small nook and they stood merely inches apart. She gazed up at him with admiration clearly shining from her eyes. Even if she had wanted to conceal her feelings, she was far too naïve and inexperienced to know how.

“Are you okay now?”

“Yes.” She blinked, suddenly confused. “I mean—pardon?”

“I was just wondering if you are feeling better now?”

“Am I feeling—better?”

“Yes, better.” He smirked as if silently laughing at her. “You were starting to become hysterical.”

She blinked and looked at him for the first time. Really looked at him. What she saw left her feeling suddenly cold. He was gazing down at her with an emotion she had least expected to see. Not passion, not desire, not longing, and definitely not love. It was a look she had seen a dozen times and had come to resent. Pity.

He gave her an impish look. “Sorry about the kiss but I had to distract you.”

“I beg pardon?”

“You were starting to lose it and I had to do something quick.”

Oh God.

“What on earth are you talking about?”

“Sweetheart.” He narrowed his eyes as if he knew his next words would sting. “You were headed full-fledged into a nervous breakdown. I didn’t know how to snap you out of it. I did the first thing that came to mind.”

She gasped and took a step away from him only to hit her back against the stone bridge.

“How dare you!”

“Calm down–”

“I will not calm down!” She exclaimed and glared up at him. “And don’t you dare try kissing me again. I can assure you I was not having an anxiety attack.”

She knew that was a downright lie but her feelings were so horribly hurt she didn’t know what to say or how to react.