“I never thought you were really a bad guy.”

He cocked his head in surprise.

“You just weren’t interested.” He stated rather than asked.

She looked away. “I never said that either. I just don’t appreciate being rushed or bullied.”

“I can appreciate that. How about we take it slow then? There is no rush. We can take our time and really get to know one another.”

“I’d like that.”

“Then it’s settled.”

To her chagrin, they pulled up in front of her family’s home far too soon.

“And here we are.”

Before she could utter a protest or react in any way, he came around the carriage, swept her back up into his arms, and made his way to the tiny porch in front of her parent’s home.

“There is no need to carry me.”

“If there is one thing I have learned about you, Lady Evelina is that you are frightfully slow.”

“Whereas you are always rushing about.”

“How on earth are two opposites like us are ever going to get along?”

“It contradicts the whole law of attraction.” She blushed, hardly believing she actually uttered the thought out loud.

He chuckled. “Indeed. But gives weight to the belief that opposites attract.”

His laughing eyes turned to look at her and it struck Evelina then for the first time since he had carried her that day, how horribly close their faces were. She expected to feel an onslaught of discomfort to have him looking at her so closely, but instead, she found herself fascinated with the features of his face. She couldn’t ever recall seeing a more handsome man before in her life.

She loved the way his eyes narrowed when he smiled causing little wrinkles to form in the corners. And the hint of blush beneath the scruff of his cheeks that were in desperate need of a shave. She had an urge to reach out and stroke those cheeks, pondering if they would feel as rough and rugged as they appeared. Her gaze strayed to his lips, which at present were formed in a smile.

She liked his smile.

It was warm and friendly and at times slightly intimate. As it was beginning to form now.

Something shifted in the way he was looking at her and Evelina felt herself drawn to him, feeling herself lean toward him in his arms. Though she certainly knew it was improper to be standing in front of her house in the arms of a man who was not her husband, let alone her beau, she couldn’t shake the pleasure bubbling inside.

Nor the overpowering desire to have this man kiss her.

But to her dismay, he placed her down on her feet and took a step back and away from her.

“I think we will follow your lead and take it slow.”

More despair than she anticipated coursed through her body. She had hoped he would follow through with his warning earlier when he threatened to steal a kiss where and whenever he felt like it.

She was sadly letdown that now was not going to be that time.

“May I come by tomorrow?” He asked.

“That would be fine.” She knew her voice sounded tight, but was unable to conceal her disappointment.

He grinned knowingly, but bowed then turned and rushed back down the path. Half way down, he caught himself and turned to shoot her an apologetic grimace. “I’ve got to work on that slowing down a bit more. Till tomorrow, my lady.”

Then he walked in leisure for the rest of the way to the carriage.