“Oh, that sounds lovely. But of course, you must take along a chaperone.”

“But of course.”

“Kathleen, you may accompany them. Fetch your shawl and one for Evelina too.”

Evelina who had sat silently listening to the exchange finally spoke up. “I’m not interested in going for a ride, mother.”

The quilting bee ladies gasped at her outburst but Ryan wasn’t surprised in the least. He whole-heartedly anticipated a refusal.

“Thank you, Mr. Colby, but I regretfully decline your offer.” She swiftly composed herself shooting a glance around the quilting frame. “As you can see, I’m already occupied.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I had thought you would be interested in visiting the library.”

Her chin snapped up. “The library?”

“Yes, the library.”

She chewed on her bottom lip as if contemplating the idea. “Won’t it be horribly crowded?”

“That has not generally been my experience.” He smirked.

She shot him a scrutinizing gaze. “But there will be people there?”

“I should think so.” He cocked his head to the side. “Why, what are you afraid of?”

“I’m not afraid of anything!” she snapped but sounded more insulted rather than defensive.

“Then why the concern?”

“I’m not—it’s just—I just don’t like people.”

She had mentioned this before but he had thought she was lying or exaggerating in an effort to thwart his courting attempts. He hadn’t really thought she was serious. But then again, he hadn’t thought she was serious regarding her phobia of the outdoors.

He glanced about the small room and noticed the old quilting bee ladies looking upon Evelina with pity. He considered pointing out that she was presently sitting in a room of “people” without any apparent discomfort. But somehow he knew little old ladies were not quite the people she was referring to.

Curiosity suddenly aroused his interest.


Her gaze met his briefly before quickly shifting away as she shrugged at the same time. “I don’t like when they stare.”

“No-one will be staring at you.”

“They always stare,” she responded flatly.

The furrow over his brow deepened but he decided not to push the issue. At least not at the moment.

“As you wish then.” He conceded. “However, I will need to retrieve Evelina from you as it is due back at the library. Do you have it handy?”

Her head jerked in his direction in alarm. To his satisfaction, he noticed a look of sorrow enter her lovely eyes. “You mean to return it?”

“Yes, unfortunately, they don’t let you hold onto their books forever.”

In amazement, he watched as her expression became contrite then fierce with determination in a split second. “I–I suppose I could pull myself away for a few hours.”

“Are you certain? I hate to take you away from anything important.”

She grimaced as if knowing he was mocking her but slowly got to her feet and said, “I’m certain.”