“I know.” He nodded in reluctance. “But I don’t want her stressing unduly over me in her condition. Her health is the most important thing right now.”

“I agree but Erika is—”

“Bullheaded?” Jay chuckled.

“Well…yes.” Ryan agreed with a grin.

“Her most infuriating habit is also one of the reasons I love her so much. She has the ability to move pebbles on a beach.”


Jay shrugged his comment aside. “Never mind, but if they ever let women run for office, you can bet her name wi

ll be on the ballets. Until then, she is my right arm.”

“You two make an awesome team. Placid has flourished under your leadership.”

“We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished.” He studied his younger brother. “Perhaps someday you’ll finally decide to settle down here.”

“Let’s not bring that up now, Jay. I’ve only just returned.”

“You’d make our mother a very happy woman.”

Once again, Ryan is reminded of Evelina. He would very much like to see her happy, healthy and safe. He understood and appreciated just how Erika felt. He may not love Evelina the way Erika loved Jay, but he knew how it felt to want to protect someone you did indeed, care very deeply for.

* * *

A month after Ryan’s return home, he stood overlooking a construction site in downtown Placid where Garrett, his oldest brother was hanging some exterior trim on the windows of a newly constructed building in downtown Placid. Though it looked as if he were observing his brother intently, the fact of the matter was, Ryan’s mind was far away. No matter how long he remained in Placid among his family and friends, he couldn’t get his mind off Evelina. He knew Victoria’s wedding was approaching quickly and that he had promised Evelina he would be back in time to attend. The Francesca’s last voyage into Detroit before the wedding was in just four days’ time, and though Ryan planned to set sail on her, he, however, was not as eager to return to Detroit as he usually would. His thoughts and feelings regarding Evelina were in such turmoil against one another.

“You look like a man in serious contemplation.” Jay came to stand next to him. “And for some reason, I don’t believe the future site of the Placid Library is as grim as your expression would imply.”

Ryan grinned and exchanged smiles with his brother. “No, indeed. Garrett did a remarkable job in erecting it.”

“Placid has taken on a significant boom this past year. We hope to lure in newer residents by offering them more town amenities,” Jay said.

“A library is a good choice.” Ryan’s mind recalled some happy memories from the library. Particularly, his most recent trip to one.

“It may not be the grandeur size of say the Detroit Library, but I’m sure it will please the townsfolk.”

Looking across the yard to where the single-story structure stood on a tiny town lot sandwiched between two taller buildings, he noticed a small crowd of ladies had gathered nearby watching Garrett working in the afternoon sunlight.

“Yes, I can already see the interest.” He grinned.

Jay smirked but chose to ignore the underlining wisecrack even though Ryan knew he was fully aware of the female following the Colby brothers brought, or for that matter, any single man in town, for the town’s female population far outnumbered the men.

“Indeed we appreciate their enthusiasm. Though poor Garrett may not like the attention.”

Ryan chuckled. “To be sure. The man has little understanding of the opposite sex.”

They both shared a laugh, “But there is no denying his skill in carpentry. It came together remarkably fast since I first arrived.”

“He’s very swift and precise.” Jay agreed then turned to look at his youngest brother. “Not that I’m bashing your sudden interest in the expansion of Placid’s latest establishment, but what really is on your mind?”

“Of course I’m interested in what goes on in Placid after all this is my hometown too.”

Jay made a face. “A hometown that doesn’t generally see your face around these parts on a regular basis. Especially for this length of time. Usually, you’ve hightailed it out of here the moment the Francesca sails out of port. So what gives?”

He shrugged. “You’re reading too much into it. I simply have missed my family. I have been gone too long.”