
He paused, taken aback. Seemingly troubled, he exclaimed, “You were normal, you are normal. You were dancing Evelina.”

“I should never have come tonight.”

“Don’t do that, Evelina, don’t crawl back into your shell.”

“Why not? I was perfectly happy there. No one could hurt me.”

“I didn’t mean for you to get hurt.”

“Oh really? Because that is exactly what did happen.”

Wounded he asked, “You think I tried to hurt you on purpose?”

“I’m not sure what your intentions were.”


“Why don’t you just leave me alone?”

He released a heavy breath and leaned back in the carriage. After a moment’s silence, he asked, “Is that what you truly want?”


His lips came together to form a straight line as he continued to watch her in silence. A wounded look crossed his features but Evelina didn’t care. She felt frozen inside and no amount of talking would help thaw her out.

“All right.”

He sat back on the bench and continued to watch her closely but otherwise didn’t say another word all the way back to her parent’s house. Evelina wished she had left him back in the hall along with her parents and everyone else but she needed his help to get home. But oh, how she hated the fact she needed his help.

It was a short drive and the carriage was pulling up in front of the little blue house in no time. Ryan wordlessly disembarked then turned to Evelina and scooped her up into his arms. She didn’t protest or make any comment even when he carried her all the way to the front door. The sooner she ended the evening, the better.

In front of the house, he lowered her to her feet and attempted once again to say something. “Evelina if you would just listen—”

“I’ve heard enough.”

“That’s not fair. At least give me the chance to make amends.”

But she turned her back on him and opened the front door.

“Evelina, please—”

She ignored his plea and entered the house, abruptly shutting the door on him and the entire evening’s horrific events.

Closing her eyes, she stood leaning against the door in the darkness, listening for sounds of him leaving. However, it remained silent on the other side. Then at last, his footsteps slowly retreated as he made his way across the walkway and out of her parent’s front yard.

* * *

Evelina was certain she had seen the last of Ryan Colby. If her bad-mannered farewell the other night didn’t thwart any further courting on his behalf, then her schizophrenia surely would. He made it clear he believed her weaknesses were troublesome.

And after a week’s absence, she believed her conclusion to be correct. However, the second Sunday after Victoria’s engagement party, he finally made an appearance.

“I’ve come to say good-bye.”

“I’m surprised you’ve given up so easily on the Lady Evelina.”

“Correction, I’ve given up on the lady herself.” He corrects. “It’s obvious I’ve overstayed my stopover in Detroit far too long. It’s apparent my presence is unwelcome.”