It was merely his intention to help Evelina. He knew he couldn’t offer her anything more. And she deserved a far better husband than him. One that was more doting, loving, and if she managed to overcome her fears and phobias, maybe then she might actually be able to snare herself a proper fiancé.

He spotted George Hastings standing alone.

Someone like him.

Weaving through the gathering, he made his way over to him. Earlier, he had noticed him approach Evelina and assumed he had asked her to dance. However, upon seeing Evelina’s dance card after returning to her side, he realized that she had scared off any prospective dance partners.

“Good evening, George.”

The redheaded man narrowed his eyes at him obviously perplexed and not recognizing him.

“The name’s Ryan Colby.” He held out his hand. “I’m a friend of the Hepworth family. Clive and I sail together.”

“Nice to meet you.” He nodded but still confused.

“I understand that you requested to have a dance penciled in with Evelina?”

“I did.” His skepticism continued to show on his face. “But her card was full.”

“Yes, I know.” Ryan gave a false chuckle. “And I apologize. That was entirely my error and now I’m forced to make amends. You see I am her escort tonight.”

“I see.”

“I’d be much obliged if you were to ask Evelina to dance once again.”

“Why? You’ve claimed all of her dances already.”

“Yes, and as I said, that was my mistake. And perhaps a little zealous on my part. I couldn’t bear the thought of her dancing with another. She’s a rather beautiful woman, would you not agree? However, I’ve been chastised for my act of earnest and must make amends. I’m afraid I must learn to share her. If you are free to dance with her, then I will surely be forgiven.”

George chuckled. “I suppose. She is tolerable looking.”

Ryan forced his smile to remain, suddenly questioning his decision to ask George to dance with Evelina. The man was obviously a halfwit and didn’t deserve to grace the air Evelina breathed.

Tolerable looking? Good Lord, the man must be blind.

“All right, I suppose I could dance with her.”

“Very good,” he said, though his response lacked the enthusiasm he wanted to convey. Why ever not was beyond him. This was what Evelina needed. She would never find herself a proper suitor locked up in her parent’s parlor.

He gave George a nod as the man excused himself and made his way across the hall to an unsuspecting Evelina. At noticing the look on her face even from his distance, Ryan felt a trifle guilty and almost wished he warned her. However, if there was one thing he was certain about Evelina was if given the opportunity she would turn and high-tailed it out of there.

* * *

Evelina watched George Hastings with trepidation as he made his way toward her across the hall once again. She didn’t like being the butt of a joke amongst his friends. However, he was smiling at her rather broadly and all friendly-like as he approached.

“I understand you have this dance free, Miss Hepworth. I’d be happy if you allowed me to claim it.”

She blinked in alarm. What trick was he trying to play on her? Not more than an hour earlier, she was a laughing matter among him and his friends. So why reiterate his request? Frantically, she searched for an excuse to decline him politely.

“I’m sorry but I’ve already explained to

you that my dance card was full.”

He gave her a knowing grin. “That error is being corrected.”

“Pardon me?”

“Mr. Colby explained the situation to me.”