The mere thought sent a swift wave of pleasure throughout her body. Quickly she subdued the treacherous emotion and adamantly said, “Absolutely not.”
“I think you tell a fib.” He teased her, laughing down at her with those beautiful eyes of his. “I do believe, Miss Hepworth that you rather enjoy lovemaking.”
She inhaled sharply. “I beg your pardon!”
“What a little hussy you are.” He continued. “I shall have to guard you extra closely tonight.”
Her cheeks filled with heat.
“I better not find you flirting with other men this evening as I shall remind you that you are here with me tonight.”
Hot with embarrassment, she snarled at him, “I do not find your sense of humor funny this evening, Mr. Colby.”
Again he laughed. “I’m sorry to hear that. I must admit I rather enjoy getting you heated up. It’s one of the few times you let down your guard and reveal the real Evelina.”
She found herself speechless which he takes the opportunity to turn from her and remove two cards from a box sitting near the entrance.
“Let’s secure our dance numbers, shall we?”
Her gaze dropped to the two dance cards he held in his hands. She recognized them as her sisters had spent one afternoon preparing them for the engagement party. One of the reasons Evelina had asked Ryan to escort her to the event was to avoid having to dance or socialize with others. She concluded that if she had an escort she wouldn’t be expected to dance with other men that evening. As for Ryan, she would offer her apologies and fabricate some pretext to excuse herself from dancing altogether, which she was sure he would receive with relief.
“I do not wish to dance tonight.”
“Oh come, you are not that angry with me, are you?”
“You have nothing to do with it. I simply do not wish to dance.”
“Then why did you come?”
“I already explained it was expected of me.”
“I think it’s because you do not know how to dance Evelina.”
“Of course I do!”
But he apparently did not believe her as he continued, “Come to think of it, that would make perfect sense as dancing requires fluidity and you, my dear lady, could not keep up with a herd of turtles.”
She gasped.
“You are by far the slowest female I have ever met.”
“I’m sorry if you find such fault in my person, Mr. Colby.”
“Not at all.” He laughed. “It is simply a part of your character.”
“And now you wish to insult me!”
“No, not insult. Actually, I’m rather fond of your character.” He smiled admiringly at her. “I'm merely making fun of it, two entirely different things.”
“I do not see the difference.”
“When making fun, one must learn to laugh at oneself, Evelina.”
She made an angry face. “Nonetheless, I have no plans to dance tonight.”
“So it is your intention to sit out every dance? All evening?”
“That is correct.”