“I just am.”

“You’re no different from the rest of us.”

“You don’t understand.”

“Try me.”

“You didn’t know me before.”

“Before what?”

She clamped her lips shut and inhaled sharply through her nostrils but refused to respond as she felt her pulse begin to hasten unsteadily.

“I think you are simply being paranoid. There is no reason for anyone to stare other than because you look remarkably beautiful this evening.”

She blinked, jolted by his words, and felt the tension in her body begin to ease. “Er, thank you, but that’s not the reason.”

“Then tell me what is so exceptional about you to cause an entire room of people to stop what they are doing to stare at you?”

“You are being derogatory.”

“And you are being silly.”

“Excuse me?”

But he ignored her and made his way to the hall. Evelina was right on his heel.

“I do not appreciate being spoken to in a demeaning manner, Mr. Colby.” She spat out angrily but to which her only response was an indifferent glance over his shoulder. “My feelings have merit and should not be treated as trivial. I am not some inconsequential creature lacking depth or emotion.”

“Perhaps you assert too much emotion.” He turned to her and silently picked her up before ascending the small flight of steps into the hall.

Automatically, she gathered her skirts close to prevent him from tripping over them before placing an arm around his neck. “So now you accuse me of being overly emotional?”

“I do not accuse you of anything.”

“But you think of me as flighty and unbalanced?”

“I think you suffer from schizophrenia.”

“I see. Now you accuse me of having a personality disorder.”

He glanced down at her face and slowed his pace. With an exasperated sigh, he lowered her to the ground.

“We’re here.”

She blinked and glanced around her surroundings. Sure enough, they stood just inside the entrance. There were several ladies in fancy dress making their way around the room while small groups of men stood together in corners deep in conversation. Even though Ryan was a tall and impressive looking man, no one seemed to notice them standing in the entrance.

Bewildered, she turned to stare at him and asked, “How did you do that?”

She wasn’t even aware they had made their way into the party hall.

He offered her a grin. “Believe it or not, Evelina, you’re very predictable. You allow your emotions to rule your good sense. Or in your case, any sense. Your emotions dictate your behavior whether in fear, anger or—” He paused and shot her a knowing look.

Evelina blushed crimson red, remembering the kiss in the park intended to divert her hysteria away. “So you insulted and degraded me to distract me?”

She felt fury boiling inside.

He chuckled. “Would you rather I kissed you again?”