Evelina shifted uneasily on the picnic blanket, suddenly anxious he might ask something too personal. Or worse. Something too painful.

His gaze met hers and as if sensing her sudden unease, he hesitated as if rethinking his question. “When is your birthday?”

She actually chuckled with relief. “April 20.”

He smiled and she smiled back. Then putting her focus back on the game, it only took her a few more moves and she was declaring checkmate.

“Blasted!” Ryan declared. “I had no idea you were this talented.”

She felt her cheeks blush and turned her gaze away. Receiving compliments was not one of her fortes.

“If you keep playing this good, Evelina, we’re not going to get to know one another very well.”

“I suppose we could have played poker as I don’t know anything about that game,” she said then horrified herself by continuing with, “But then you apparently are an expert in that game leaving us with the same dilemma.”

He didn’t respond immediately forcing Evelina to sneak a peek at his face while pretending to straighten her billowed skirts.

“I realize you consider gambling a sin, but I won’t apologize for partaking in the game as I would never have met you if I hadn’t.”

Flabbergasted, her gaze flew to his face to find him staring at her openly. However, his expression was bland and didn’t match his words leaving Evelina feeling confused.

“Ask your question.”

“Pardon me?”

“You won checkmate. Is there something about me you’d like to know?” He suddenly grinned. “I’m an open book.”

Evelina chewed on her bottom lip. Oh, she had a dozen pressing questions and narrowing it down to just one would be a challenge. If she had any sense of hindsight, she would have prolonged the game and won several more chances of asking questions.

“Um, your sister-in-law? Is she, uh—headstrong?” Dang, that was not what she wanted to ask but shied from what she truly wanted to say at the last second.

“My sister-in-law?” It was obvious he was surprised that her question was pertaining to someone else and not him. “Oh, heck, ya, she’s headstrong.” He chuckled then caught himself. “Sorry about that.”

She brushed his use of foul language off, not wanting to interrupt any morsel of information he might disclose of his past fiancée.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love the girl, but bossy as all can be.”

Evelina blinked. Love? Did Ryan still hold feelings for her? And just openly admitted it?

“I see.” Her throat went suddenly dry and she looked around the picnic spread for something to drink. “A-and would she be Garrett’s wife?”

“No.” He reached for the sandwiches in the picnic basket and handed her one. “Jay’s.”

Garret and Jay. And Ryan. She made a mental note of his brother’s names.

“Garret’s not married. Or probably ever will be. The guy’s a hermit. Horribly shy.”

“Really?” She found herself liking the sounds of his oldest brother already. “And what about Jay. Is he also shy?”


She waited for more and when he didn’t elaborate, she pushed. “Is he a sailor as well?”



He frowned, pausing in mid-munch on his sandwich. “A sailor? No, he’s a fisherman.”