“How so?”

“Let’s say for information. For each opponents piece captured, you may ask whatever question you wish as a means of getting to know one another better.”

Evelina frowned. She was certain it was still considered a sin if a person were the benefactor of a bet. No matter how innocent the wager. However, the chance to glean more knowledge of Ryan was too alluring. It would serve as a pretext for her insatiable curiosity. Not to mention, answer some of her burning questions. Such as his feelings regarding his past fiancée.

“All right.”

He grinned with approval then began laying out the board and placing the chess pieces on their squares. Once done, he turned the board around so that the white pieces faced Evelina. “Ladies first.”

She didn’t hesitate and made the first move. Ryan followed suit, as did Evelina. By her third move, she took the first pawn.

“You weren’t kidding.” He looked impressed. “You are good.”

“I’ve had lots of practice.”

He didn’t respond to her comment but instead asked, “So what will it be? What would you like to know?”

Evelina paused a moment and wished she had the nerve to ask him directly her most probing question, but instead found herself enquiring, “Which brother did the toy sailboat previously belong to?”

“That would be Garrett.”

She waited, hoping he would offer more. When he didn’t, she ventured to ask, “And, er, do you have any sisters?”

“Nuh-uh-uh,” he held up his hand. “One question per capture.”

Chastised but eager to get an answer, she made a few more quick moves before capturing yet another pawn.

Ryan blinked. “How did you do that?”

“Nuh-uh-uh.” She parroted his words with a smile and held up a hand. “My capture, my question.”

He chuckled. “You’re absolutely right. Ask away.”


He laughed. “No, no sisters. Just a sister-in-law.”

“Oh,” Evelina said while keeping her eyes downcast and trying to appear uninterested. “How lovely.”

“Actually,” he said drawing her attention back to his face. “She’d like you.”

“Why is that?”

“She’d be impressed at how bull-headed you are.”

Evelina narrowed her eyes at him. “Haha, I’m not that stubborn.”

He threw back his head and let out a loud laugh. “Only when it comes to anything you don’t want to do. Like visit a library, stroll along the pier, climb the tower, picnic along the canal—”

“All right, all right.” She actually smirked. “I suppose I can be a bit obstinate.”

“You suppose?” He leaned toward her with a knowing grin and Evelina found herself smiling back. They shared a mutual look and for that split second, something unfamiliar stirred within Evelina. But before she could explore the emotion further, Ryan turned his attention back to the game and broke the connection leaving Evelina feeling confused.

“Your turn.”

She blinked and gave an embarrassed smile before quickly moving a piece. But she wasn’t paying attention, which allowed Ryan to capture one of her bishops easily.

“My turn,” he exclaimed triumphantly.