Ryan pivoted on his heel and continued along the boardwalk until his footsteps slowed once again when he came across the Lady Evelina bobbing in her docking post just waiting for him to sail her home. He could hardly wait to show his parents. Though he would have to find another explanation as to how he was able to obtain it for he was certain his Christian-abiding mother would not forgive him for receiving a boat as payment in a poker game.

Not that he should feel guilty, he reassured himself. Perhaps poker was an unlawful game, however, the men who played it were steadfast in the integrity of the bets. If you were going to wager your first-born, you best provide that child to the winner. It was just undemocratic to even consider reneging on a wager.

He found the house Clive claimed as his own, though Ryan still found it difficult to see the old sailor as a family man. Even more difficult to imagine when the house in question appeared quaint and homey with flower boxes in every window, a blue picket fence that surrounded the tiny lot, and inside the picket fence as Clive had mentioned, was an overstocked vegetable garden bursting from its small confinement.

It took Ryan a few minutes to find the gate buried under massive cucumber vines that had overtaken the hedge. Inside the yard, huge green leafy plants nearly obscured a narrow pathway. Though the garden was far too crowded, it was also remarkably well nurtured and groomed.

Taking the single low step up to the front porch that was no bigger than a tabletop, Ryan tapped quickly on the door. From his peripheral vision, he thought he noticed a curtain drop in the room adjacent to the porch. From inside, he heard several muffled feet running about as if a group of children were playing hide-and-seek before it went suddenly silent.

The door opened then and Clive Hepworth greeted him with a broad smile. “Ryan, so glad you were able to come.”

“Ryan?” He mocked jokingly at Hepworth’s sudden use of his given name accompanied by the formal welcome.

Inwardly, he wondered if the old man was being ironic. Why would he not come? He was cashing in on his winning, whether the old sailor had a change of heart or not.

“Come in, come in.” As if remembering his manners, he stepped back and swept his arm across the foyer. Frowning, Ryan eyed the man suspiciously. He was acting strange. Perhaps that was how one acted when they were about to give up their most cherished possession.

“I really can’t stay long though, Hepworth. A storm is brewing on the horizon and I don’t want to get caught in it.”

“Then you should not rush off. Stay out the storm. There is plenty of fine sailing weather ahead of you.” He led him into an empty parlor. “You should stay a spell and enjoy other wondrous pleasures this earth provides.”

“Eh?” He shot the old sailor a quizzical look. Though Ryan might have been slightly tipsy the other night at the poker game, he was completely sober this morning. Clive, on the other hand, he wasn’t so sure.

“Look, Hepworth, I know this must be difficult and I want to put your mind at ease. You can feel assured that the Lady Evelina is in confident hands. I will cherish her always and take the best care of her. No harm will ever come to her, I promise you that.”

His words seemed to do the trick as Clive visibly relaxed. “Last night, I betted my most valuable possession. I did it knowing that the man I would hand her over to would be worthy. I give her to you with my entire trust and blessing. I just want you to know that. I would never have wagered her off to anyone not worthy. I’ve known you a long time, Ryan Colby, and have found no other man whose heart was not as generous and giving and compassionate as yours is. My Evelina needs tender and nurturing hands to love her always. She is special and I want only the best for her.”

“No worries, Hepworth, I promise I’m that man.”

“I’m glad to hear that. For she is now yours. As one sailor to another, you vow to take her as your own and keep and nurture her always?”

Ryan’s heart soared. At last, it was happening. He was becoming the proud owner of his very own vessel. A lifelong dream was about to be realized. “You have my vow.”

“Come, then, it’s time for you to meet her.”

Ryan beamed from ear to ear. Pure joy and happiness lit up his face. He followed Clive out of the parlor and thought they would have turned toward the front door to head outdoors where Ryan would “meet” his new lady, the Lady Evelina. Therefore, it was disheartening when Clive crossed the foyer and swung open a set of double pocket doors before turning to Ryan and said, “I’d like for you to meet my daughters.”

Ah dang, Ryan thought as his shoulders drooped. He had hoped he was able to actually pass on that obligation and head straight for the boat and the wide-open waters. Instead, a room full of six females confronted him. Mind you, six beautiful females. His disappointment at not being able to sail directly off was momentarily paused at the sight of so many beautiful women in one room.

“This is my wife, May.”

The oldest of the women stepped forward and though she was robust, she looked remarkably well for a woman who gave birth to six children.

“How do you do?” She offered her hand which Ryan instinctively took while producing a warm smile and placing a kiss on the back of her palm. He noticed the woman share a swift agreeable glance with her husband and Ryan smiled smugly. Yes, that was one thing he was accomplished in. The fine art of charming the ladies.

“What a lovely home you have, Mrs. Hepworth.”

“Thank you, Mr. Colby, I try with what little I am given with living in such cramped quarters.”

“Please, call me Ryan.”

Her eyes lit up and she beamed at him. “Of course. Ryan.”

His brow creased slightly at her overzealous response but nevertheless allowed his attention to turn toward the room of beautiful women as she said, “Please let me introduce you to my daughters.”

“I would be very happy to be introduced to such a lot of handsome females.”