“You should have,” Ryan agreed. “It sure would have helped me to understand her neurotic demeanor.”

“We were afraid you would judge her before getting to know her.”

Ryan chuckled and shook his head. “Getting to know her is part of the problem. She won’t let me near.”

“And she won’t. Not until she feels she can trust you.”

“I wouldn’t ever let anything happen to her.”

“I know that son, and she will too. In time. She’s lived the past twelve years in fear and with paranoid delusions. They won’t just go away overnight. You asked me if she is sick, and sadly, the answer is yes. She suffers from a mental disorder that causes irrational thoughts and behavior.” Clive turned and looked out at the water. “I tried to help her by resurrecting her love of the water but she won’t go anywhere near it. I fear my love for my daughter isn’t enough.”

“Has she seen a psychiatrist or therapist?”

“No. We couldn’t get her to leave the house and they didn’t offer house calls. Particularly on a sailor’s wage such as mine.”

Ryan sighed.

“I prayed the love of a man would be the cure to finally heal Evelina. It was all I had left. Nothing else seemed to help. I’ve been watching you for a long time, Ryan, and have seen your kind heart. She needs someone like you who is patient and understanding.”

“I’m not the man for her, Clive,” he said, thinking how easily he had lost his cool with her. It haunted him to recall the pained look on her face. It was a memory that would forever torture him now.

Clive exhaled heavily. “I’m sorry to hear that. I had truly believed you were.”

Ryan felt like a heel and wished there was something he could say or do to help this family, but if anything, he probably just made things worse.

“All I ask is that you think about it some more. Look into your heart and find the strength to believe in yourself as I do in you.” Clive said. “If, in the end, you truly don’t feel anything and want to go your own way, I will uphold my end of the gamble and the Lady Evelina is yours. Either way.”

Ryan frowned. “You’re going to give me your boat even if I decide not to marry Evelina?”

“I’m not the type of man who reneges on a bet. I truly hoped you would fall in love with Evelina as I do but if you don’t then I can’t force your hand.”

Ryan wasn’t sure if love was the word he felt for Evelina, but he was willing to admit he certainly was beginning to feel something.


It was a beautiful afternoon and Evelina decided she wanted to sit outside in her mother’s garden while reading her book. It was an unexpected notion and one that admittedly was alarming. She blamed Ryan Colby for the sudden urge. Ever since he started coming around and forcing Evelina out of her shell, she found herself missing simple little things like sitting outdoors with the sun upon her face.

The little gate that enclosed the blue picket fence banged open causing Evelina to give a start. Glancing up from her book, she was shocked to see Ryan himself stroll purposely toward her. And looking rather pompous at that. No doubt, internally he was priding himself for her being outdoors.

“What are you doing here, Mr. Colby?”

He smirked and gave her a scolding look. “Ryan, please.”

She ignored that and instead rephrased her question, “What is it you want?”

“I’ve come to take you for a carriage ride.”

“I thought you were done with me,” she said rather snarky. “Besides, I have no interest in going on another carriage ride with you.”

“That’s what I assumed you’d say.”

Then before she could fend off his intentions, he swung her up into his arms.

“Put me down this instant.”

“Let’s get a few things straight,” he said as he marched out of the garden with purpose. “You will use a civil tongue with me henceforth unless you have just cause to be angry with me.”

“Just cause? I most certainly have—”