The mocking and teasing were gone from his eyes and instead were replaced with such sincerity that she felt her insides begin to weaken.

“Let me take your glass from you.” He let go of her hand to remove her glass of lemonade. However, she immediately felt shaky and reached out for something to grip onto.

Grasping the banister railing, she looked down at the two lone steps and shook her head. “I can’t do it.”

“Yes, you can.”

“No, I don’t think I can.”

“Look at me.”

She did but felt her knees wobble.

“I know you can do this. Nothing is going to happen. I won’t let it. I’m right here.”

Something in the way he looked at her sent a warmth to spread over her body. She was overwhelmed with the urge to please him. To do as he bid.

With a trembling sigh, she placed her foot on the first step. Her leg buckled horribly and she reached over and grasped the railing once again. She couldn’t do this. It was impossible. What foolish, reckless notion made her think she could?

“Come on, Evelina, I believe in you.”

She lifted her gaze and stared at him again. She wanted to hate him, despise him for forcing her to do this, but at the same time, she marveled at the idea that he not only wanted her to succeed, he expected her to.

She reluctantly let go of the railing and placed her other foot on the bottom step. Her body tilted and she gasped, terrified she was about to take a tumble, but at the last second found herself being steadied.

She looked up to discover Ryan had grabbed her arm. “Are you okay now?”

When she was certain she had regained her balance, she nodded lamely and nearly cried out in sorrow when he let her go. She took a few minutes to regain her equilibrium and some false confidence, then took the last step and stepped off the porch. As soon as she did, a rush of relief swept over. She released a loud breath and glanced up at him with a huge smile.

“I did it.”

He smiled in return. “Yes, you did.”

She couldn’t believe it. She had done it. After nearly twelve years of self-inflicted house arrest, she had finally come outdoors.

“Now, since you’re out here,” he smirked, “Would you care to join me on the bench?”

Her smile beamed. “I believe I would.”

He held out his elbow and she took it, relieved to have his support. Even though she had made it down those two little steps, she wasn’t confident enough to believe that making it across the garden to the bench would have been any easier.

“Oh wait,” she stopped suddenly. “I forgot Moby Dick in the parlor.”

“That’s all right. I would rather spend the afternoon gazing upon your face anyway.”

She flushed and turned away. “Your flirting is a waste of time, Mr. Colby. It only falls on deaf ears. I know my looks are trivial compared to my beautiful sisters.”

“I daresay you lie again, Miss Hepworth.” He stopped to stare accusingly down at her, his face all at once serious. “You outshine them all.”

Again, her cheeks grew hot. “You’re too kind, sir.”

“Not at all.”

She was not accustomed to a man’s admiring glances or compliments, so had to turn away and urge them into a walk. “Let us retire to the bench.”

He turned them toward the bench but stated, “For a woman who enjoys so much of her free time sitting around, it amazes me how remarkable slight your frame is. You hardly feel as if you weigh a pound more than the clothes on your back.”

“Please, I ask you to hold your tongue. Such words are inappropriate.”