“You stand there much longer, and I fear you will cause the lemonade to grow warm.”

Her eyes opened to find Ryan watching her humorously.

She swallowed a hard lump that had suddenly materialized in her throat before saying, “Perhaps you care to join me on the porch for your lemonade?”

His brows dipped. “I do not.”

Frustrating man.

She bit her bottom lip and looked down at the two steps before her. “Please, I insist you come out of the sun and enjoy your lemonade here in the shade of the porch.”

He cocked his head to one side but said nothing.

“Please, sir, I insist.”

To her relief, he got slowly to his feet. However, noted in frustration that he left his book on the bench as he approached the porch. Just a few feet from it, he stopped short and looked up at her.

“Come here, Evelina.”

Her eyes locked with his and she observed the determination in his eyes. He was not going to let this go. She blasted herself for even having come this far. She should have remained in the parlor where it was nice and safe.

“I don’t wish to.”

“Why not?”

“The sun is very hot—”

“You’re lying.”

She blinked. “Pardon me?”

“I said you are lying,” he repeated. “I don’t think it has anything to do with the sun.”

She shifted on very unstable legs and held out his glass. “I brought you your lemonade. If you would kindly take it, I believe I will retire back to the parlor. It is too, er, hot out here.”

His brow arched at the lie. “Bring it to me.”

“Please, Mr. Colby, come fetch your lemonade.”

His eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms over his chest as he emphatically noted, “You’re frightened.”

“No, I am not!”

“Then bring me the lemonade.”

She drew in a long deep uneven breath than on wobbly legs took a step forward. This brought her foot to the edge of the porch just above the first step. She looked down the small flight and felt her throat close up. Trembling, she immediately thrust out his glass of lemonade. “Please. Take it.”

As if sensing something was wrong, he moved quickly, removed the glass of lemonade with one hand, and took her arm to steady her with his other. “Are you all right?”

“I want to go inside.”

Lord, she sounded childish and feared she would break down in tears. If she could, she would rush back into the house. However, he still had a grip on her arm, forcing her to remain on the porch hovering over the small flight of steps.

“You’ve come this far, why don’t you come the remaining distance?”

“I-I,” she stuttered before glancing down into his face and found him staring up at her with an understanding look so intense she caught her breath. “I can’t.”

“I promise,” he said softly as his hand slid down her arm and took her hand. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”