The following morning, Evelina sat primly on the settee in her little corner waiting for Ryan’s return. Though she wouldn’t admit it and kept herself busy with her needlepoint. Moby Dick lay next to her in the hopes of persuading Ryan to trade books once again.

But he never dropped in for a visit that morning. Admittedly, Evelina was disappointed. Though she told herself it was because she wanted to exchange books and not because she was beginning to enjoy his company. As well as his smile.

However, there was no need for her to be disappointed for he finally made an appearance in the early afternoon.

As he entered the parlor and proceeded to greet her sisters, she waited for him to approach her and continue with his habitual greeting of asking if she cared to listen to him play the harmonica or recount one of his adventurous tales from out on the lakes.

Instead, he said, “I have decided to exchange books with you after all.”

Evelina looked up startled, and then an excited smile formed on her lips. “Really? That would be—”

“That is, if you care to join me outside in the garden to read today.”

Her smile fell. “Whatever for when it is so much more comfortable here in the parlor?”

He shrugged. “Suit yourself. It is a beautiful day and I plan to enjoy it.”

He turned to leave.

“Mr. Colby.” She moved as if to stop him but remained seated.

“Yes?” He stopped and glanced back.

She paused then glanced at his book before holding out Moby Dick. “Did you not say you wanted to exchange books?”

He produced a slow smile. “Yes, I did…on the condition you joined me outside.”

A frown swiftly creased the skin between her brows. “I already told you, I do not care for the outdoors.”


Once again, he turned away.

“Mr. Colby—Ryan!”

He glanced back bemused. “Yes?”

“Please, won’t you just exchange books now and you may go out and enjoy the garden on your own?”

A devilish twinkle entered his eyes. “I’m afraid not. If you care to exchange books, you will have to join me in the garden.”

Without another word, he sauntered out of the room. Thwarted, Evelina glanced at her sisters whose faces were marred in shock. She pursed her lips, fighting back her indignation. A movement outside the window to her right caught her attention.

Ryan leisurely sat down on the garden bench and made himself comfortable before opening his book.

Her book.

It peeved her to know he was doing this on purpose. He readily admitted he wasn’t enjoying the book, so why would he decline exchanging it with her? Instead, he seemed to be exerting great pleasure in mocking her.

Well she refused to allow him to get to her or force her into anything she didn’t want to do. He could sit outside in the garden by himself all afternoon for all she cared. She would not join him.


She found her gaze drifting several times in the window’s direction. Saw him lounging comfortably on the bench immersed in the book while the warm sunshine cast a glow upon his handsome face.

He looked up suddenly toward the parlor and she immediately jerked her attention away even though she was certain he wasn’t able to see her from his distance.

Giving her sisters a glance to see if any had caught her staring out the window, she sighed with relief to find them all absorbed in their needlepoint.