“Want her?” Ryan chuckled, “I’ve dreamt of nothing else all my life.”
“You’ll take good care of her, won’t you? I mean, I can trust that the man who won over my beloved little lady will look after her?”
“She couldn’t be in better hands.”
“Good. I had a feeling about you.”
Ryan frowned slightly then tilted his head. “You seem awfully collected for a man who just lost his boat in a poker game.”
Clive studied Ryan’s face for a very long time before he finally responded, “It is time I retire and spend more time at home with the family.”
“You got a family, Hepworth?” This surprised Ryan, Clive was one of the many sailors he crossed paths with on his voyages up and down the Great Lakes.
“Oh yes, indeed. My handsome wife and,” he paused to lock gazes with Ryan once again. “Six beautiful daughters.”
Ryan’s eyes bulged. “Six?”
“Yes. I am blessed with six beautiful daughters, but alas no son.”
“Wow, that’s a doggone amount of female estrogen under one roof.”
Clive grinned, giving a nod of agreement. “Being the only male in the household is rather daunting at times. But I love all my daughters dearly and only want the best for them.”
“I’m sure you do.”
“That’s why I need your assurance that you will take utter care of my beloved Evelina.”
“Why? Was one of your daughter’s expecting to inherit it? Is this going to create a family feud?” Ryan hated it when his nagging conscience stuck its busybody nose where it didn’t belong. He didn’t want to hear a sob story that could tear the man’s family apart or create a huge rift. Family was important to Ryan. Very important. He loved his dearly though perhaps he didn’t see them as often as he should. But if there was one thing he learned after the near-death experience of his brother Jay, was that life was far too short and one should never take for granted the time we have left on this earth
“Oh no, no, nothing like that. My girls don’t sail,” Clive said drawing Ryan’s attention back to the present, then added almost wistfully. “At least, not anymore.”
“Good, I’m glad to hear it,” he sighed with relief. Dang, he wanted that boat but didn’t think he could have taken it with a good–or sober–conscience if it meant putting a rift between Clive and his daughters.
“It’s getting late, why don’t we call it a night and settle up later sometime.”
“Now wait just a minute Hepworth, I don’t plan on leaving Buffalo without the Lady Evelina.”
He smirked. “She’s not here. She’s in Detroit.”
“Yes, where I live.”
“You live in Detroit?”
He chuckled. “Yes, I do. Not all sailors are wandering hobos.”
“I just never thought it possible to balance both a family and sailing.”
Clive slapped him on the back before beginning to turn aside. “When you love both just as equally, you find a way.”
Now that was a subject Ryan differed on but refrained from getting into a disagreement with the man. Instead, he pressed the more important matter of collecting his winnings as soon as possible.
“When will you be back home then? I don’t plan on waiting long to claim my prize, Hepworth.”
“Good to hear. I’m expected back in Detroit in two days’ time. Why don’t we reunite then?”
Ryan relaxed and offered an unsteady smile. “Sounds good. I can probably join a crew on another cargo ship and be there sometime tomorrow evening.