He lifted his book and proceeded to do just that. Evelina glanced over and couldn’t help but feel envy. What she wouldn’t do to get her hands on a copy of Fanny Burney’s Evelina.

Instead, she picked up Moby Dick and tried to bury herself into the story once again. However, she had read the pages so many times she almost had them memorized.

Minutes ticked into hours and Evelina yearned to ask him what he thought of the story thus far. She glanced over several times to see how far along he was. When he would raise his gaze to meet hers, she would swiftly look away.

At tea break, he put down the book as her mother entered the room carrying a tray of snacks and tea.

“Good morning, Mrs. Hepworth,” he greeted her.

Evelina’s eyes strayed to the discarded book flipped upside down on the settee. It took all her willpower not to reach out and take it.

“Good morning, Mr. Colby. I was afraid we wouldn’t see you again. Evelina was under the impression you were not returning.”

“I’m afraid Evelina jumps to far too many conclusions. I enjoy my visits here and mingling with you fine ladies.”

Evelina glanced at his back as he addressed her mother and sisters. No doubt, he did not include her amongst those he enjoyed “mingling” with.

May Hepworth placed the platter of treats and drinks on a table then picked up a small plate of biscuits along with a tea cup and delivered them to Evelina on the settee.

Evelina noticed Ryan watching her mother and knew he thought her lazy or pampered for not getting up. Well, he could think what he liked. Though it was true she was capable of collecting her own mid-morning tea, it had become habit for her mother to coddle her youngest. Moreover, Evelina simply never bothered to correct her.

She thought about doing so now as she felt Ryan’s disapproving gaze, but knew any objections on her part and he would think they were for his benefit. So she remained seated and thanked her mother instead.

Collecting his own tea, Ryan made his way back to Evelina. He pushed his book aside and sat next to her once more.

“Do you not wish to stretch your legs?”

“I’m sorry?”

“Get up and exercise your legs? Perhaps take a turn about the room?”

She frowned. “There’s no need.”

“I should think there is after sitting all morning.”

“My legs are quite fine, thank Mr. Colby.”

He paused before saying, “If you say so.”

Her spine stiffened. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Taken aback, he exclaimed, “Nothing. I simply am conceding you know your own body better than I.”

She relaxed. “Naturally. I certainly do.”

“Tell me, Evelina, why do you detest the outdoors so?”

She shifted uncomfortably. “I have all I need indoors.”

“Except, perhaps, fresh air.”

She made a scowl and gestured to a nearby open window. “There is a fine breeze coming from that window.”

“What about the sun upon your face?” He glanced at her face more closely. “Your skin could do for a bit of vitamin D.”

She knew he was referring to her rather pale complexion and though part of that was hereditary, she knew mostly it was from lack of sunshine.

“If my face so displeases you, Mr. Colby, perhaps it best you do not sit so near as I hate to offend you.”