“I explained already. At the library.”

Swiftly, she flipped open the cover and gazed down at the drawing of an 18th-century couple on one side of the book and in big bold letters on the opposite side read the title Evelina, or, The History of a Young Lady’s Entrance Into the World.

“You found this at the library?”

“Yes, indeed, though I must admit, it was no easy task to locate.”

“Of course it is not. There are so few editions available.”

“Well, that explains why I was unsuccessful in tracking one down in the retailer shops.”

Her chin snapped up. “You were looking for this book?”

He nodded. “Took me all day yesterday, which was why I was unable to pay you a visit.”

She blinked as a foreign feeling stirred beneath her chest. The image of him going from shop to shop in pursuit of a book she was named after left her far more unsettled than she wanted to admit. Frowning deeply, she asked, “Why were you looking for it?”

“Isn’t that obvious?” He reached over and took the book back. “It is your namesake. If I am ever to understand you, I must start at the beginning.”

She shook her head. “But I haven’t even read it.”

His brows shot up. “Is that so?”

“As I said, finding a copy is next to impossible.”

“Indeed, it’s been sitting at the library ready to be withdrawn.”

“I’ve never been.”

Again, he looked shocked. “You’ve never been to the library?”

“No.” She answered flatly, not wishing for him to probe further.

“I would have thought it was your favorite place. What with your love of books and all.”

“I don’t leave home much.”

He frowned. “Why’s that?”

She shifted in her seat and turned slightly away from him, not wanting him to study her face so closely. “I don’t much like the outside.”

“You were serious about that?”


“How can that be?”

“I just don’t.”

“That’s the most foolish thing I’ve ever heard.”

“I’m sorry you find me so ridiculous.”

“Unbelievable is more like it. Who does not like the outdoors?”

“Me!” She snapped and wished dearly that she had the grace to leap to her feet and march out of the room.

He studied her flushed face and must have concluded she was serious for he sighed and seemed to back off. “All right. We shall read indoors today.”