athleen’s Queen, overtaking his King. “Checkmate.”

His look of shock had boosted her spirits for the rest of the day. He was just so egotistical, it felt good to put him in his place. After snatching her book back up from where she had discarded it, she bid him farewell and left the room.

At that point, Evelina was fairly certain Ryan Colby would not return. She knew her behavior was rude, but it was for the best. Contrary to her father’s wishes, she couldn’t consciously allow the man to marry her. Even if he was doing it for purely unethical and selfish reasons.

But to her surprise, he did return. As he did the day after that and the day after that. And each day that followed until a week had passed. On each of those days, Evelina did her utmost to turn Ryan away. Admittedly, it was easy enough to accomplish as he repeated the same routine every morning.

He would wish her good morning, ask if she would care to hear him play his harmonica, take a walk along the pier, or listen to one of his sailing tales.

And each time, Evelina would coldly decline his offer and bury her nose in a book instead. Affronted, he would respond with, “Very well,” before seeking out of one her sisters to entertain instead.

Kathleen, it seemed, was his favorite choice and she was only too happy to oblige him on each occasion.

That morning, however, after he followed through with his morning ritual of seeking her company, he sighed intentionally loud and stood above her while she hid her face behind a copy of Moby Dick.

“I can see I am wasting my time.”

She glanced up, startled at his outburst. His handsome face was contorted in resentment causing Evelina to feel a bolt of guilt. And sorrow. But mostly relief.

“It is your liberty to feel as you may.”

His lips pinched but he refrained from responding immediately. Instead, he stared steadfastly down at her until she squirmed slightly under his scrutiny.

“Good day, my sweet little lady.” He laid heavy emphasis on the word sweet as if mocking the irony in it.

He waited a moment to ensure his insult hit its mark. When it did, he gave her a curt bow then left the room pausing only briefly to offer her sisters a polite farewell.

She bristled at the derogatory use of the nickname name her father had bestowed upon both her and his boat, knowing full well Ryan’s use of it was most definitely not in an endearing way, but rather in a far more condescending manner. She would have ignored the fact her obvious lack of cordial behavior had anything to do with it and instead blamed it on his pompous and arrogant personality. However, the fact was, he was right. She had acted awful and far from a lady. Or a sweet one at that. Instead, she had behaved hostile on all his visits.

But, it was for his own good, she reminded herself. She was prohibited from partaking her real reasons. There was no sense in him believing that she could ever be a real wife.

Still the same, an unexpected feeling drew the corners of her mouth down as she watched him march out of the house. She would have very much liked to gotten to know Ryan Colby a little bit longer.

Chapter 4

The next day Evelina did not anticipate his return but found herself nevertheless that morning brushing her hair twice as long until it gleamed. After pinning it perfectly at the base of her neck, she exited her bedroom that was thankfully located on the main floor. The downside was that it was adjacent to the kitchen. A hub of activity first thing in the morning.

Truthfully, however, Evelina did not mind. Since her siblings and parents already occupied all three of the upstairs bedrooms, the tiny area was the only space free in the house. Meant as a pantry really, it had just enough space for a bed and cupboard. However, Evelina did not mind as it gave her privacy from a very large family crammed into a very small house. Moreover, it meant she never had to manage the treacherously steep flight of stairs to the upper level ever again.

She joined her family for breakfast and remained silent while the conversation around the dining room table buzzed with excitement over Ryan Colby as it did every morning since the day he arrived to claim his “prize”. Most mornings she sat in silence and listened, however, that morning she spoke up.

“Mr. Colby will not be returning.”

“Whatever do you mean?”

“She has been utmost uncordial to Mr. Colby.” Kathleen piped up to insert.

“Is this true?” Her mother shot her a questioning look.

“Indeed,” Another sister confirmed. “He has tried valiantly to court her, but she refuses to be friendly.”

“Come now, that can’t be true.” Clive Hepworth scoffed. “Not my sweet little lady, she is by far the kindest of all my daughters.”

“I’m sorry, but it is true, Papa.”

He made a face. “That is ridiculous. Why in heavens would you scorn such a fine young man?”

She wanted to tell him the truth, tell him that Ryan Colby was far too good for her and deserved a far better bride. Instead, she said, “He seems more interested in entertaining my sisters than he does me.”