“I do not wish to go for a walk.”

“Well, we don’t have to go for a walk. We could sit on the pier and watch the ships sail out of the harbor.”

“No, thank you.”

He frowned. “Would you prefer to enjoy the beach—?”

“I prefer not going anywhere.”

He paused and glanced at her sisters who swiftly looked away, pretending not to eavesdrop. “Well then, if you would rather, we could sit outdoors and enjoy the sunshine and your mother’s lovely garden.”

“I don’t enjoy going outside.”

“I’m sorry?”

“I prefer to stay indoors.”

Starting to get agitated, he exclaimed, “Well that’s ridiculous. Everyone loves the outdoors.”

She glanced up and gave him a cold glare. “I do not, Mr. Colby.”

He made a face without thinking then quickly tried to smother it before she noticed. “Well, perhaps I could play my harmonica for you?”

“I’d rather you didn’t.” Ryan couldn’t stop himself from flinching as if she had personally insulted him. She must have caught the look and read its meaning for she slightly rolled her eyes and added, “I do not enjoy music.”

Ryan pulled his lips together to form a straight line as he worked hard to control his emotions. “Perhaps you would enjoy hearing how I received the harmonica when I was a child from a traveling gypsy passing through town. Or listen to me recount a story from my latest adventures along the Great Lakes? Recently, I encountered a storm—”

She reached over and picked up a book sitting next to her. “I receive all the storytelling I need from the tales in my books.”

“Then what is it you do like?” he snapped.

“At the moment, working on my needlepoint.”

Flustered, he glanced away and caught the five sisters still pretending not to be interested in their exchange. “Then I shall leave you to it.”

“Thank you.”

He turned and walked over to her siblings. “Would you ladies care to hear me play my harmonica?”

Startled they shot a questioning glance in Evelina’s direction, which Ryan quickly interceded. “Evelina is occupied at the moment and apparently does not wish to be interrupted. That leaves me without an audience. Would you fine ladies put me out of my misery and grant me your lovely attention?”

Behind him, he heard Evelina harrumph but ignored her and pulled his harmonica from his pocket.

“Of course, Mr. Colby.” The sister, introduced as Kathleen, nodded eagerly and put her needlepoint down. The others followed suit, smiles lighting up their faces. It was amazing that any one of these fine ladies were related to Evelina. Then again, none of them had been hoodwinked into marrying a stranger.

Ignoring this last thought, he gave the sisters his undivided attention and began playing a merry tune. He stomped his foot and encouraged the ladies to do the same. When the song was over, he immediately started up with another. Kathleen leaped up and grabbed hold of Gwendolyn’s hands and pulled her to her feet then began dancing to the lively jingle, while the other sisters clapped along.

Though Ryan was thoroughly engaged in the company of the sisters, his peripheral vision kept watch on Evelina. He saw the tension in her shoulders and the fierce movement of her hands. It didn’t surprise him in the least when she eventually slapped her needlepoint on her lap and exhaled angrily.

“Would you kindly keep the ruckus down? You are making me lose my concentration.”

They all came to a standstill, stunned by Evelina’s outburst. Everyone but Ryan, that was. He reveled in the knowledge he could heat her temper up so quickly.

“Then I suggest you take it to another room.”

All the sisters gasped at Ryan’s bluntness but he again chose to ignore their reaction and kept his gaze fixed firmly on the lone woman sitting in the corner. Her eyes flickered with insult before she quickly smothered it. Carefully, she gathered her needlepoint and her book and slowly got to her feet. Her eyes locked on Ryan before she moved across the room and out the door.

As she left, Ryan felt the slightest tug of guilt but refused to acknowledge it. The woman was being difficult. If she wanted to act like a spoiled imp, he would only be too willing to treat her like one. As his future wife—if he actually decided to take her on, he reminded himself—he wanted her to know from the start that such behavior was not acceptable.