Just as he finished securing the fishing net to his boat and breathed a sigh of relief that he could finally push off, she finally spoke. “You’ve been acting awfully rude lately, Jay Colby


He nearly choked, but caught himself just in time. No damn way would he give her the satisfaction. Jay wanted so badly to simply ignore her and be on his way, but the gall of the woman had him turning and glaring up at her.

“I’ve been rude? Hell, princess, I ain’t the one going all over town slurring your person.”

She actually had the decency to look contrite. But only briefly. Just as swiftly, her blue eyes turned cold as she glared down at him.

“No, you’ve been too busy seducing all the local females about town.”

This time he did choke. “What the hell?”

“You’ve allowed the success of my play to get to your oversized head. Might I remind you that you had a very little, insignificant role which you were a stand-in for no less.”

“I couldn’t give a damn about your play.”

“Well, apparently you don’t seem to mind the popularity you’ve gained from it.”

Jay felt his insides begin to boil. Forcing his body to go rigid, he turned abruptly on his heel and headed for the deckhouse. “We’re done, Erika.”

He had just reached the sanctuary of the small compartment, when he felt a small thump from the stern, he spun around and was shocked to see her standing on the deck of his boat.

“What do you think you are doing?”

“I wasn’t finished and you were leaving.”

“That was the point.”

“I refuse to leave without an apology.”

Like hell! “Get off my boat Erika.”

Her eyes shifted to the dock, which was slowly drifting away. Damn, he’d forgotten he had pushed off already.

“Your conduct has always been far less than ceremonious, but as of late it is inexcusable.” She stood erect at her measly five foot four inch height and stared up at him with a reprimanding glare.

Jay placed his hand on his hip and let out a weary sigh. “What exactly is it that I did this time?”

“You cannot go around embracing any female in public that catches your fancy.”

“What?” His eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I have not been embracing anyone.”

“Trista Ashworth claims you carried her across Victoria Street at the corner of Main.”

“Because we just had that major downpour, and that damn pothole still hasn’t been fixed hence leaving a very large crater filled to the size of a mini-lake.” Jay ran a hand along the back of his neck. “Hell, she kept yammering about getting her dress all filthy, I would have done anything to shut her up.”

“Jay Colby!”

“Ah, Christ,” he growled. “If anyone misinterpreted that as some sleazy come on, then to hell with them.”

He knew he was getting angrier by the minute. The more heated he got, the more he cursed. It was something he was trying to cut back on around Erika. But the fact was, it was mostly because of her he so easily lost his cool, opened his mouth, and out it came.

“Perhaps if you weren’t so loose with your morals.”

Jay stiffened. He didn’t know where this fresh set of attacks originated, but he was starting to get fed up.

“Get off my boat, Erika.”