“To have breakfast together, of course.” She shook her head. “Get some sleep, Jay.”

Erika smiled as she left him. A smile that would remain all night long. Even though she had wished he had stayed for the party, she wasn’t about to let anything ruin her perfect night.

* * *

Two days later, Erika was beginning to question her use of the word perfect.

Snapping her parasol open in the hopes to deter the lively conversation coming from her two companions, she frowned once more as she strolled between Rosalee and Trista. Not for the first time since the night of the play, she listened as they spewed gushing words of praise in regards to the production.

Since it

had already been two whole days, she really couldn’t see why the fascination was still so fresh. After all, there was certain to be a more exciting topic.

Truth was if they were actually praising her play, then she would have been wholeheartedly pleased. However, the fact was, the only thing that seemed to leave any lasting affect was Jay Colby’s performance.

No, that did not sit well with Erika. She had spent many long and hard hours studying her lines. Jay was simply a last minute stand in.

“My heart swooned when Jay pulled Erika up off the floor after she threw herself at his feet.”

“He wasn’t supposed to do that,” Erika stated under her breath.

“The look in his eyes,” Rosalee said, ignoring Erika. “I melted all over.”

“Really, Rosalee,” Erika huffed. “Melted?”

“I never noticed how silver Jay’s eyes were,” Trista noted.

“Actually, they’re gray. A very dreadful shade of gray.”

“And, did you notice his arms? My goodness, I had never seen such powerful arms.”

“For pity’s sake, Trista! He was wearing a tunic throughout the play.”

“Not then, silly.” Her friend gave a little wave of her hand. “Yesterday, when he lifted me across that dreadful pothole on the corner of Victoria and Main.”

Erika came to an abrupt halt, her insides filling with something fierce. “You saw Jay yesterday?”


The two girls were oblivious to the sudden heat building inside Erika. Whenever she saw Jay in the past few days, he did his utmost to avoid her. At least, it had only been a suspicion up until now. The fact that he didn’t seem too busy to help Trista across the street irked her terribly. And holding her in his arms, nonetheless!

Trista and Rosalee came to stop as well in front of Erika, but acted as if she wasn’t even there.

“Oh, Trista, how romantic!” Rosalee cooed.

“There is absolutely nothing romantic in that!”

Both girls turned at last and looked at her, confusion clearly etched across their features.

“You’re not jealous, are you Erika?” Rosalee asked. “I was always under the impression you weren’t very keen on Jay Colby.”

“Jealous!” she declared, thinking she had never heard anything so ludicrous. “Hardly. Do remember whom you are referring to. ”

“You always were a little possessive of him.”

Erika’s eyes widened. “I am not possessive of Jay Colby. That is absolutely ludicrous.”

“It is true, Erika,” Rosalee agreed. “You would never allow anyone else to play with him.”