She spun around her eyes huge, certain she had heard him wrong. However, when Carnie suddenly appeared at her side and demanded where Ryan was, she heard Jay repeat, “He’s not here. He wasn’t on the ship.”

There was a moment of silence, and then Carnie exploded. “Please tell me you are kidding, Jay. You’ve got to be kidding!”

“I’m not,” he quietly stated, his eyes still focused on Erika.

Rage filled Erika’s chest as her eyes narrowed in on him. “You’re a liar, Jay Colby. Ryan wouldn’t miss tonight. He wouldn’t do this to me.”

Jay didn’t say anything. However, the most horrible expression of pity crossed his face, and her anger boiled to a breaking point. Spinning on her heel, she marched over to Garrett who watched them quietly from a distance. “Garrett, will you go down and collect Ryan?”

Garrett gave her a staggered look before shooting a glance at his brother. Jay stepped forward. “He’s not going anywhere. I just talked with Donald Lowndry, the captain, and he told me Ryan was not on board when the ship pushed off from port in Niagara.”

“Niagara?” She could hardly believe anything he was saying, it didn’t make a bit of sense. “He must have missed the boat again. But that’s never stopped him before.” A feeling of relief swept over her. Placing a bright smile across her face, she said, “He’ll be here.”

Jay’s brows dipped, but he didn’t comment. Instead, it was Carnie who was frantically talking a mile a minute. “I sure hope you’re right, Erika. But this show is to go on in fifteen minutes! Fifteen minutes! Good Lord!”

As the woman rushed away, Jay remained and looked at her with solemn eyes. “Erika—“

”Don’t talk to me, Jay Colby!” she snapped. “If you had it your way, you’d prefer to see me the laughing stock of the town.”

His expression hardened. “You know that’s not true.”

“Ryan will be here.”

He sighed. “I hope so.”

Jay left her then, which Erika was glad. She really didn’t think he was trying to make her look like a fool in front of the town. It was his bothersome ability to shake her unwavering trust in Ryan.

A trust that began to rattle so horribly it threatened to come crashing down when the allotted fifteen minutes came and left with no sign of Ryan. This time Carnie looked even more hysterical as she approached Erika. “He’s not here and the audience is packed solid. We’ve completely sold out!”

Erika’s eyes widened. Sold out? She hadn’t seen that coming. Stage jitters began to nip at her irritably once again. Biting her bottom lip, she willed Ryan’s appearance. He would come.

“I’m getting Garrett!” Carnie alarmed her by suddenly declaring.

“What?” Taken aback, she quickly shot a glance over at the shy brother who looked all at once horribly white.

“We can’t wait any longer, Erika.” Carnie told her as she grabbed Garrett’s arm. “Come on, you’ll have to see if the costume fits.”

“Uh—I don’t—” Garrett’s eyes shot to Erika in alarm, but before she could say anything Jay appeared by his brother’s side.

“What’s going on?”

“Garrett’s taking Ryan’s place.”

“I can’t do it.” Garrett finally spat out.

“If we just wait five more—“

”Erika, we can’t wait any longer. The crowd is starting to get restless. Now, Garrett you’ll be fine. If you forget a line, I’ll whisper them to you from the wing.”

“The what?” His eyes grew wide. “I’m sorry, but I can’t help you.”

“Of course you can.”

Visibly upset, he shook his head and forcibly pulled his arm from her grasp, appearing uncharacteristically assertive. “No, I can’t.”

Carnie looked stunned and Erika finally felt the full impact of the situation. Which was only made worse by the next statement. From Jay.

“I’ll do it.”