For some reason this made Erika mad. “It is of no concern to you who Jay Colby chooses as a—as a—“

”Bride?” The housekeeper supplied causing Erika’s stomach to somersault.

“Jay is not getting married.”

“He will someday.”

That uncomfortable sensation in her stomach turned once more. It bothered her more than she cared to think about who Jay might marry. Erika had to get control of herself. “I don’t care who Jay Colby fancies or marries. My heart belongs firmly to Ryan Colby.”

The housekeeper still didn’t look convinced as she shook her head and mumbled something incoherent as she left the dining room. What she did do, however, was place some unsettling thoughts into Erika’s head. The biggest being who, exactly, were the females in Jay Colby’s life?

Chapter 13

Erika swung open the back kitchen door when she saw Jay riding up the lane on horseback. It would not be sensible to have him enter through the front entrance for all to see. If she thought her grandfather was angry now, she couldn’t even

imagine how he would react if one of his neighbors reported seeing his worst foe enter his home.

Motioning quickly for him, she couldn’t help but feel slightly impish as he frowned at her with curiosity, before redirecting his horse to the back of the house. “Make haste and tie your horse then come in. Bring the petitions with you as well.”

Without arguing, he dismounted and looped the reins over a nearby ring in the wall. He wore his usual attire of cotton pants and pullover shirt, but this time, paired them with a vest she was sure was bought straight out of the mercantile some time ago.

He stepped across the threshold carrying his saddlebag and gave her a skeptical look. “Fiona said you wanted to see me.”

“That’s right.” She turned and grabbed hold of the suit hanging on the back of the door and pushed it into his unsuspecting hands. “Put this on.”

“What’s this?”

“A suit.”

“I know that.” He made a face at her before dropping the saddlebag onto the closest counter. “I meant, what’s it for?”

“Your meeting. I thought it would be best if you looked professional rather than—than, well, like that.”

“Gee thanks.” He pushed the suit back at her. “But no thanks.”

“Why not?”

“Because, I’m not one of your snotty-nose friends. What I have on will do just fine.”

“If you’re going to a barn social!” she snapped and didn’t care how insensitive she sounded. “This meeting is far too important for you to risk it over some foolish stuck up notions about fashion. If you want to be taken seriously, you have to look the part.” When he didn’t reply, she knew she had made some headway so added, “There’s too much at risk here, Jay.”

He sighed and took the suit from her hands once again. “It’s not one of your grandfather’s, is it? Not sure that would go over too well.”

Erika smirked. “No, this one is your very own.”

He froze, his eyes darting to her face. “What do you mean my own?”

A full smile pulled the corners of her lips up. “I bought it with my allowance.”

Jay’s jaw dropped and he blinked at her. “You bought me a suit?”

Her smile vanished instantly. “Don’t make it sound so incredulous, for pity’s sake. I often purchase things for others. After all, there is only so much I can buy for myself.”

“So I’m a charity case?”

“Don’t over exaggerate, Jay. It’s just a suit.”

“Well, I’m not keeping it. I’ll wear it for this meeting if you really think it will make that much of a difference, but then you can go ahead and return it after.”