He glanced up, then upon recognizing her, offered a cordial tip of his hat as he said, “Miss Snowden.”

Her brows dipped slightly at his use of her formal name. Behind her, there was definitely some whispering going on, but she refused to turn and acknowledge it. “I understand you’ve been moving some pebbles.”

After tossing a large bag of flour onto the wagon, he stopped to look over at her with his own frown tugging between his brows. This made Erika pleased. Jay had this ability to speak in riddles and confusing her greatly, so it was high time she returned the favor. “In your attempt to shift the beach. Grandfather told me about your efforts to incorporate a high school in Placid.”

An understanding look lit his eyes before he returned to his task. “Your grandfather would prefer to see an education system equivalent to the one in England.”

“Whereupon restricting education only to children of the wealthy, thus ensuring the continuation of an aristocratic rule.” She must have surprised him for he stopped and looked at her. “So the rich man can dictate our path.”

He chuckled. “I must remember for future reference, your bizarre ability to quote word for word.”

“Or that I actually may be listening.”

This made him pause and his smile faltered before he turned from her and hoisted up another huge sack. “Well, if you came to berate me on behalf of your grandfather, you can save your breath. I’ve already heard all he has to say on the subject and I don’t think there is anything you could add to sway me differently.”

“This may come as a surprise to you, Jay Colby,” she said, her chin slightly tilted. “But I’m not some puppet or display doll.”

He grinned, but kept at his work. “My apologies, princess.”

She cringed inwardly from his deliberate use of the derogatory label. “You have the perverse ability to be continually rude, Jay Colby, and it’s no wonder the people of Placid regard you with contempt.”

Not pleased with herself for this last comment, she however, found he had the ability to irritate her easily. She didn’t doubt it was purposely done with much enjoyment on his part.

Heaving a large crate up onto the back of the wagon, he chose to ignore her and, therefore, caused Erika’s aggravation to intensify. “I’ll have you know I came over here with the intention of being friendly.”

This time he turned, placed a leather-gloved hand on his hip and sighed. “All right, I’ll give it my best shot to be friendly in turn, but I’m not sure how easy that will be, seeing that I’m some kind of loathed ass about town.”

She felt her insides clench and forced her voice to remain anger free when she said, “Perhaps if you refrained from using such foul language in public, it might help to erase that image. Particularly around a lady.”

He openly laughed at her. “Didn’t you just finish telling me you weren’t a lady, so technically I haven’t done any such thing?”

Erika’s eyes widened with insult. “I never said any such thing!”

“Ah, wait, that’s right.” Rubbing his chin, he looked as if he was remembering something. “You claimed not to be a puppet or display doll.”

“Which is hardly a declaration!” She placed her laced covered hands on her hips and stared him down hard. “One is possible without the other.”

“Ah.” Giving her a naive look, which she knew, was far from innocent, he said, “Funny how that works. You could still be considered a lady no matter how miserable you look, however I can never achieve to be a gentleman no matter how miserable I am.”

Erika’s temper wavered. How in the world did he have the ability to force her to question her own morals? More importantly, how dare he?

Finding herself with no response at the ready, she simply straightened her form and drew herself taller. Jay only shook his head and sighed loudly before returning to his work. Someone walked passed them and offered Erika a greeting. Jay, however, was snubbed.

This caused an unusual distaste to form in her mouth as she watched them walk away, until she realized she herself probably had a lot to do with Jay’s latest scandal. Taking pity on him, she forced her irritation down and refused to allow him to get under her skin. “I came over to wish you luck

in the capital next week.”

Puzzled, he glanced up at her, but didn’t stop finish loading the last of his supplies. “Why would I be in the capital?”

“My grandfather is headed there to protest your request,” she told him, but thought he probably already knew as much. “I assume you will be going as well.”

“What for?” Heading around the wagon, he untied the horse reins from the street post.

“Don’t you want to oppose his arguments?”

He shook his head and walked to the front of the wagon. “The law is clear in regards to free schooling. If they concur with him, there’s not much I can do.”

“That’s it?” Sounding almost frustrated, she watched him climb up into his seat.